Holiday volume, should be a nothing day. You can stay in bed.
Hey TD, do I get to take Nic's spot on the guest posts now?
Now, is this the top? We'll have to see. I believe there is a little more upside yet, should be a pretty good sell off is coming soon. The way I count it this SHOULD BE 5 of 5 of C of P2. I see not other count. NOW can this 5 become a 9 or extend? Absolutely. The daily indicators say there is more room to run. (1121?)
From the emails I get the sense that some of you are confused and don't understand the possibility of more upside. To that I say, this is earnings season now. GS and the manipulators have set the estimate hurdles so low that Wee Man won't have any issues with getting over them. Comparing to previous quarters in '08 is an easy beat (it is next year when they have to compare apples to apples that things get really fugly).
/ES 60m - Remember that inflection point I mentioned last week? We're there. Wave 5 of C has put in a nice rising sedge (in yellow). It is meeting resistance at the PRIOR TOP at 1075 and from the upper P2 (dark blue) upper wedge trendline.

I'm off to do a more detailed post for later today. Be ready for me to throw out a bunch of stuff.
Enjoy your holiday (Even to those of you in Canada!). Mine is off to a great start!
ReplyDeleteI saw your last comment about Richt and Dooley, a few posts back. I met Dooley years back in NYC when he was up there to induct Kevin Butler in the College HoF. And I have met Richt a couple of times. Very nice guys. I understand where you're coming from, so I won't put you on the spot anymore. But this past week surely solicited some frustration in you.
On a more relevant note, this is where the rubber meets the road on the P2 call. When you have a moment, could you put up a chart on how you see P3 unfolding in terms of duration and approximate depth of the intermediate waves? Thanks.
Herschel Talker
Let me see if I have this EW thing right. This is green c of 4 of 5 should be turning down right now..... oh wait a minute, no, I had that count wrong and it is a fractal. Now I predict it being a wave 2 down, oh no, actually it was a a,b,c, minor wave....
ReplyDeleteWhen GS and the boys want EW to work, it will. Till then TA, EW, and guessing just aren't working. I suggest that you simply watch the dollar and if it is lower - buy. If it is higher, sell.
Tired of the manipulation and the gyrations by EWers trying to make their charts fit.
Hi Shanky.... I'm still cash and waiting.... I don't have the same count but really doesn't matter.... when GS reports we will get our cherry on top.... they are such primadonnas.... lol....
ReplyDeleteHT - LOL, we suck. coaches fault IMO. Keep Richt and retool the rest of the staff. Put it this way. I went to NYC for the Dooley HOF induction. Most memorable point, staying in the Waldorf with the NASCAR crowd. I'll do a post for the fall.
ReplyDeleteAnon - Don't forget this could be a 13th wave of C, LOL. When in doubt - Just add an extension. You are right - I have bet on the manipulation theme the whole way up. Where you are wrong is TA still works. Just follow the daily indicators around. And when it all comes apart it is gonna be fugly.
LT - hey there darlin. Thanks for stopping by. We might get some interesting action you may enjoy later this week. Lets get GOOG and GS out of the way this week and see what the cards hold. FAZ may be a good place to be for the quick and nimble.
ReplyDeleteSo do this mean your top call for today is off Shanky or should we wait like an EW person and say that maybe it was or maybe it wasn't. For awhile this afternoon it looked like you might be correct, if you use EW theory and the ability to move letters after the fact, who knows you will eventually be correct like Daneric will someday, he has only changed his P3 call three times so far this last month.