Monday, October 12, 2009

Morning Post

And what should I see to my surprise as I turn on the computer this morning? What's that? A new high on the Eminis? Are you serious? Does that mean Shanky took down a whole nother group of EWT top callers? Again? ROFLMAO. Remember that 1121 number? Keep your eye on it.

Holiday volume, should be a nothing day. You can stay in bed.

Hey TD, do I get to take Nic's spot on the guest posts now?

Now, is this the top? We'll have to see. I believe there is a little more upside yet, should be a pretty good sell off is coming soon. The way I count it this SHOULD BE 5 of 5 of C of P2. I see not other count. NOW can this 5 become a 9 or extend? Absolutely. The daily indicators say there is more room to run. (1121?)

From the emails I get the sense that some of you are confused and don't understand the possibility of more upside. To that I say, this is earnings season now. GS and the manipulators have set the estimate hurdles so low that Wee Man won't have any issues with getting over them. Comparing to previous quarters in '08 is an easy beat (it is next year when they have to compare apples to apples that things get really fugly).

/ES 60m - Remember that inflection point I mentioned last week? We're there. Wave 5 of C has put in a nice rising sedge (in yellow). It is meeting resistance at the PRIOR TOP at 1075 and from the upper P2 (dark blue) upper wedge trendline.

I'm off to do a more detailed post for later today. Be ready for me to throw out a bunch of stuff.

Enjoy your holiday (Even to those of you in Canada!). Mine is off to a great start!