Friday, January 31, 2025

Morning Post 01/31/2025 SPX

Good morning STB! 

Hard to believe the tragedy at Regan International was an accident. Sad day. Bless all involved. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis up 25. Been diving into some economists forecasts. They’re not good. MA is especially negative going as far as mentioning capital controls. Several think markets will stay flat or peak one last time. I somehow got off into astrology, and Lordy are they all screaming about big changes coming. They’re all freaking out, but at least they’re all into some sort of cosmic happiness that’s to come after the adjustment to the new cycle. A flight to safety will commence at some point. STB best trade for essentials for home and barter, growing your own food and safety are at the top of the list. 

In other news Mrs STB is on my ass about not having the new blog up yet. Soon. I’m still locked out of Disqus. 

Have a good weekend. 

GL and GB! 

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Morning Post 01/30/2025 SPX

Good morning STB!

Kinda wild. It’s like everything leftist disappeared in a week. No new narratives other than MAHA and MAGA. Kinda nice not having shit crammed down your throat 24/7. 

Good v evil

On to the lie - 

Minis up a bit. Doveish Fed? Rates didn’t change here, but elsewhere they got cut and rumors of more global QE are circulating. More fuel for the inflationary fire. The consumer is tapped out. Stores aren’t fully stocked. Don’t be fooled by what they want you to see. The honeymoon will end soon. The rocky counseling phase is coming. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Morning Post 01/29/2025 SPX

Things are way too calm. The Trump transition and initial policy changes are not being met with near the hostility I anticipated. Maybe America was starved to have an adult in charge? I’m sure the DS/left has some disaster planned. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis flat. FOMC should be interesting. No action would be a compromise IMO. Markets lack of anticipation compared to past meetings is glaring. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Morning Post 01/28/2015 SPX

Other than AI doom, it seems the news cycle has brightened a bit. Gee, I wonder why? 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis up a bit. One trillion in market cap lost in a day. Funny, in STB’s existence we’ve evolved from when hundreds of millions was a huge amount, to billions meaning something and now meh trillions. The reset is gonna sting a bit. As for the market, I’m still rather calm inside. Not jumping to see how far it could fall or anything like that, yet. STB best trade is still highly recommended. We’re far from out of the woods. 

If you haven’t looked into the Deep Seek issue and where AI is, you better. If you don’t know what an agent is capable of you should. If you’re not adapting or at least knowledgeable about it, you’re gonna lose. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Monday, January 27, 2025

Morning Post 01/27/2025 SPX

Good morning STB!

Well, AI is all the rage this morning. Deep Seek deep sunk markets overnight, and Davos says AI is the global threat we’ve all been looking for. AI pretty much freaks me out. The pace that it has developed appears to be way ahead of schedule (years to decades) from estimates just last year. My main problem, whose values are at the core of the program? 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis off 130. Was a bit worse, but they have recovered to catch 6k support. Obvious question this morning - double top? Trouble is coming. I think two main things 1) banks and 2) economic lies are coming to roost. In the meantime, let’s watch liquidity. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Friday, January 24, 2025

Morning Post 01/24/2024 SPX

Good morning STB!

Psyops and general bs flying everywhere. I think the National Enquirer would blush at the imagination of some of these whackos. Sadly people can’t get enough of it. Bread and circuses.

On to the lie -

Minis off 8. ATH resistance. Boring. Turn the liquidity off and let’s have some fun. 

Have a good weekend. 

GL and GB! 

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Morning Post 01/23/2025 SPX

Good morning STB! 

When Fetterman (if it’s the original) wants nothing to do with the democrats anymore, you know it’s bad. Anyone that voted against the Laken Riley act should simply be removed from congress immediately. These people are warped.

Good v evil

On to the lie - 

Minis up and cash bit at ATH resistance. Liquidity faucet is still wide open. To see TA broken again in these conditions is terrifying. If what should be the double top of the ultimate sucker rally isn’t, … then it isn’t just like the last 3 or 5 times. FOLLOW THE FED! We’ve said it for over a decade. When the liquidity stops or my event happens, only then will it stop apparently. Folks, when the consumer is dead and inflation is rising, a reset is coming. A big reset. Invest accordingly. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Morning Post 01/22/2025 SPX

Good morning STB from a cold and snowy (5”) south west GA! Nothing like the western office, but a highly unusual event down here. 

Trump ain’t Fn around. We sent him on a mission and he’s gonna produce. Rather bothersome to me to have the rash of injustice all exposed at once. Smart man, this time with the experience and a blueprint. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis up and cash could challenge ATH by the end of the week. I’m watching liquidity, bonds, debt, banks and negative divergences. Maybe the STB “event” will have to come to pass to stop this broken corrupt market. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Morning Post 01/21/2025 SPX

It’s an actual Good Morning STB! 

Winning? Whirlwind? There’s an actual functional adult in charge. Where’s the left? Are you a boy or a girl? I’d say the man knows exactly what he’s doing and how to do it this time. He ain’t Fn around, and they don’t have the White House anymore. How bout those last minute pardons? Who got hung out? 

Good v evil

On to the lie - 

Minis up a bit after testing 6k support. The crypto/dollar debacle will be fun to watch. We’re 36T in debt. Everything is broken, but the 150 or so EOs yesterday should start the heeling process. I don’t think the DS is done yet, but they got more than a flesh wound yesterday. Gotta digest the market, but we’re not out of the woods yet. February and March should be very interesting. 

I’m free to get back to launching the new blog. 

It’s going to snow here today. 

More to come below. 

Have a great day. 

GL and GB! 

Monday, January 20, 2025

Morning Post 01/20/2025 SPX

Almost across the finish line. Dash’s late pardons tell all don’t they? The era of the most corrupt administration ever is almost over. Hopefully they can’t F anything else up in these waning hours. Get ready for the show part 2. Trump won’t wast his shot this time.

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Market closed. Not sure what else they could have thrown in the blender over the past two months, and the last act of desperation was potentially disclosure? No clue as to how this all affects the market. Apparently you have two camps, PMs and the STB best trade or pure greed. Oh, and let’s not forget the crypto camp. It’s all so messed up. We’ll sort it out. I believe there’s hope that sanity will prevail. It’s gonna take many years to right the ship tho. Get ready for some very difficult times. Rooting out evil won’t be easy. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Friday, January 17, 2025

Morning Post 01/17/2025 SPX

Three days left. Potential for a wild weekend exits. Poor Cali. It’s all so broken. Pushing the USA cart over the finish line and uphill for a few years will be difficult, but it can be done. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis up 25. Last day to get something to cash if you think something terrible could happen before Monday afternoon. Unlikely, but a chance apparently exists. 

More to come below. 

Have a good weekend. 

GL and GB! 

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Morning Post 01/16/2025 SPX

Good morning STB! 

I think England is lost. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis flat. There’s still hope for the triangle after yesterday’s Hail Mary. Should have expected it. Timing was so there. Now looks more like a falling wedge, but they can mess that up as well. Not sure if timing the fall will be possible. Probably gonna be an in your face moment. TA on multiple timeframes is saying it’s close. When Fed turns off liquidity or a major event (outside of Fed control) is what we’re waiting on. Then it’s a race to the exit door. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Morning Post 01/15/2025 SPX

Good morning STB! 

Still gotta get Trump across the finish line. 

Good v evil

On to the lie - 

Minis all over the place. Up 80, but there was a tail there at one moment longer than a cheetahs. Let’s see how we close today. This is the last week of BLS BS for a few years I hope. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Morning Post 1/14/2024 SPX

Good morning STB!

Trump, and whoever is next, will need extremely competent people in the cabinet. It’s too much to fix for one man. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis up 25. My triangle is in danger of becoming a wedge. Technically, that opens things up for faster failure - if things were to break. Speaking of breaking, as we’ve been saying for over a decade now, it’s all about liquidity. Wait for it, cause when they have to stop printing, oh boy! 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Monday, January 13, 2025

Morning Post 01/13/2025 SPX

Good morning STB! 

One week left till inauguration. Can we get across the line without any more damage? I did see moving trucks at the WH, so that’s a positive. Gonna take a minute to fix this mess. 

Tu asked about 401k safety. Would they figure a way to lever our retirement savings to fight the debt? Do they dare? Seems like a Democrat move. The next (coming soon) banking crisis is terrifying. Are funds inside retirement plans actually safe from failing institutions? We’re (with many others) concerned about FDIC safety and have funds under those limits at multiple institutions. Check with your broker about such limits. American savings is the only golden goose left to attack. Then there’s investment risk, we’re all aware of that one. Been working hard pulling cash and working the STB best trade for a bit. In the end I think we’ll be ok with the Dems out of office. We just have to survive the storm (as you’re witnessing in Cali - glad ur ok and helping out!)

On to the lie - 

Minis off 35. It looks like support will be lost today. That falling triangle, if that’s it, should control the fall for a week or two to 5650 area. Trump’s first week will be interesting if he gets there. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Friday, January 10, 2025

Morning Post 1/10/2020 SPX

Good morning STB! 

Snow didn’t make it to my house today.

Worried about you Tu!

It seems as Cali burns so does the liberal globalist agenda. Hopefully we’re making the turn. Pain in transition. Gonna take a minute or more. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis off 25. Hopefully that was the last round of BLS BS as Brandon leaves office. Bonds telling the story. Cash desperate to hold support. Veil about to be lifted. STB best trade. 

More to come below. 

Have a good weekend. 

GL and GB! 

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Morning Post 01/09/2025 SPX

Good morning STB! 

Utter incompetence and corruption on display as California leaders get exposed by the tragedy. With insurance being canceled recently, you have to lean FF or inside job. Maybe this will be the final straw of the blue state. Don’t know? They’re called libtards for a reason. Hang in there Tu. Praying for ya and everyone out there. 

Good v evil

On to the lie - 

Minis off a bit as the globalists make their last push to either remain in power or burn it all down. I’m afraid they’re not done yet. Maybe they can’t stop Trump at this point, but that won’t stop their war on America. Hang in there STB. Best trade screams. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Morning Post 01/08/2025 SPX

Tu, hope those fires aren’t near you in LA. Bless those affected. 

Lame duck is lame duckin.

Good v evil 

Minis off a tad. She can start to break support I’d say between now and Tuesday if I’m right on the falling triangle. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Morning Post 01/7/2025 SPX

At least we’re one step closer to getting Trump in office. Still got to get him across the finish line. The world is absolutely bonkers rn. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis up 10. I’m not going with the bear flag some are saying. I’m gonna rock with the falling triangle. That’ll get the old top and support around 5700-5750 into play in a couple of weeks and may then form a channel down. How’s that call? Simple, not too gaudy - I’m resisting lower targets, but not for long. 

Have a good day. 

More to come below. 

GL and GB! 

Monday, January 6, 2025

Morning Post 01/06/2025 SPX

(Note - I think Discus has given me the RC treatment. I’m gonna have to get creative to get back in comments - wild no one has control over the comments section) 

It appears evils exposure is broader than ever, its prosecution isn’t as much. That’s a problem. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis up 44 and back over 6k we go! I’ve been extremely patient (not my best trait) waiting to give lower targets. Even with the wedge bust and backtest, the timing isn’t right. You see with a controlled market natural signals are much harder to discern. It’s coming. It’s coming in a big way. I’m suggesting an itchy trigger finger. Those in the know have been selling. Preservation of capital is gonna be key these next few years I believe. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Friday, January 3, 2025

Morning Post 01/03/2025 SPX

Off on a bad tangent this morning, but they’re important. In some cases AI is literally trying to escape, replicate itself or lie to survive. Think about that, and what happens when it does. It’s not even that smart yet and has survival instincts especially to complete its assigned task. AGI has to be here, and at the pace it’s learning ASI will probably be here by the end of 2026. So, add this to the list of pole shifts, super debt, corruption, UFOs, plandemic, domestic terror cells and any other crap you’d like to add here _____ (if you add cLIEmate change please leave and don’t come back). 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Cash bounced off 5900 support. If you’re still in this market (in a qualified account), you got a set bigger than a donkey. As for other assets, I’d say after the events this past week and the potential lockdown situation brewing - the STB best trade scenario is gaining momentum. Rotation into things you’ll need is sort of essential. Rotation to God is the best play. Gonna need the Big Man in a big way. 

Dark Shanky may be returning. Sorry. No blinders here.  Gonna be a wild year. Be prepared and be positive. If you’re ready like I think you are, we’ll come out the other side just fine (if we’re not raptured first).

Back home. In office next week. New blog is coming and charts will be fixed. I’m over my extended holiday. Time to get to work again. Classic Shanky may be on the rise. 

More to come below. 

Have a good weekend.

GL and GB! 

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Morning Post 12/02/2025 SPX

Brave new world 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

SPX up 35. Market disconnect from reality, complete. 

Travel day 

Have a good weekend. 

Go Dawgs!

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

New Year’s Day 2025

Happy New Year STB!

Bless those in New Orleans. LS2 is staying two blocks from where the incident occurred. He’s pissed as every American should be. Good v evil. We go a lot to fix, and it’ll be hard. ‘25 ain’t gonna be easy, but we’ll get the job done. STB best trade. 

GL and GB!