Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Morning Charts 09/30/2015 SPX /es

Why not start the day with a Hilsenrathish QE rumor to get the markets boiling. ECB Will Boost QE By 120% To €2.4 Trillion, S&P Predicts  and Stocks, Futures Soar As Europe Joins Japan In Deflation, Surge Driven By Hopes For More Japan, ECB QE
It is as simple as that when you need a stick save to keep the markets from falling off a cliff. Remember, the only QE that really matters these days is from the Fed, so EU, Japan, China QE is to a degree meaningless. Its hope/effect will only be short lived. the Fed is saving their QE trump card for a real scare.

On to the lie - 

Well, a gap up open to take back the key round levels was to be expected sooner than later I'd guess. After the charts got blown up (prematurely in the setup for the fall), they are now scrambling to get back some sort of form and attempting a technical switcharoo from short to long. Not so fast my friend. They may get a run, but without moar QE they won't get a significant bull run. Confusion still reigns. This policy (or lack thereof - not sure which) will only continue the trend of volatile consolidation (highlighted by dramatic stick saves at support). I'll give specific S/R info below.
SC still in the process to get my charts back, but it is in motion! Sorry for their delay.

Freedom watch - 

Well, someone has been beating the Sustainable Development drum for years here at STB. For those of you still in the 'NFW that will happen, ur a nut job Shanky' camp, please see this -The UN Launched ‘The Global Goals’ – A Blueprint For A United World

And on the same note this is worth a listen - Warning - will need some digestion. Pope Francis vs. Karl Marx | Who Said It? | Communism and the Catholic Church

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Morninng Charts 09/29/2015 SPX /es

Well, thank you India! Moar easing brings a slight lift in the futures after a nasty day yesterday. Things are not good and not getting any better. Contagion spread from the GLEN CDS issue, but the tsunami did not make it all the way around the globe to hit us this morning. I'm somewhat surprised, one would think that we'd have learned from the LEH days.

Confusion still reigns and until we get some clarity from the Fed (impossible now), things will remain rocky. Larger range of volatile consolidation will continue. 

Time to start questioning the presidential cycle, the lamest duck's last year and what will happen with the market leading into the next presidency. 

On to the lie - 

This one is worth a look - Nasdaq 'death cross' forms 'four horsemen' pattern. Bout the only thing they left out was a moar QE discussion.

Still working on the Stockcharts issue. Not going to be a stubborn dick this time. Charts should be back soon if not today. It is a pain in the ass, and not my fault they can't process a standing renewal order.

Freedom watch - 

As they begin to feed on each other (cause they ate everything else). As mentioned over the years, when they start to feed on each other, those will be the signs the end is near. Got Gold? UBS Is About To Blow The Cover On A Massive Gold-Rigging Scandal

What's most important - we gotta get this nutjob out of the White House before he does any more damage. Lawmakers: U.S. plan for Internet may be unconstitutional

"raised questions about the administration's "authority to transfer possession and control of critical components of the Internet's infrastructure to a third party.""

Pre-crime, and you thought I was kidding. What the hell do you think that chip is in your credit card? Just another tracking device. Or it could be the mark of the beast - Revelation 13:17 "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."

"Fiction, in essence, has become fact—albeit, a rather frightening one."

Yesterday's big news, but I never covered it - NASA Confirms Evidence That Liquid Water Flows on Today’s Mars. This should bring STB's disclosure event a bit closer. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Morning Charts 09/28/2015 SPX /es

CDS? What? I thought those fears were way behind us? Well, they were shoved in a closet in hopes they would go away and never return. Sadly like a ghost from the past they don't go away and come to haunt you at the most dire times. Can you say Quadrillions in derivatives? That's with a Q. Ha! Some idiot opened the portal and may have let out all those daemons again. This time they may not be able to exorcise or hide the problem though. Glencore Implodes: Stock Plunges Most Ever, CDS Blow Out To Record Up On Equity Wipeout Fears. The CDS market is where the real global (catastrophic) carnage could lie. 

Another casualty of this is the commodity market. Not sure why ..... but something is telling me that the slam of gold and silver accompanying this rout is making someone very rich. I smell a rat. Is this the first casualty of a corporate feeding frenzy? Lord knows, they ate everything else. Time to turn on their own?

I'm not sure why (other than saving the petrodollar and buying some time), but has a rate hike become an actually desirable action?
The hints that this is still on the table at the same time the cry for moar QE - could things be more lopsided? Confusion reigns.
Another warning - moar must happen - "Nothing's Safe" Passport's Burbank Warns "The Liquidity Of Everything Is Being Taken Down"

On to the lie - 

Well, guess what - Stock charts is having problems, again, processing my transaction. This time their system is not accepting my billing information. Go figure. I may have to do away with SC and find another platform. This is getting old having to deal with their issues. Once again, I have to take my time to solve simple billing issues. Ridiculous. It won't take as long as it did last time.

Freedom watch - 

Agenda 2030 full court press - Obozo to UN.

More to come below. 

Have a good week. 

GL and GB!

Friday, September 25, 2015

Open Weekend Post 09/26-27/2015

You know the drill, share the love and the knowledge. 

If you see it, share it. I will as well. 

Confusion still reigns. 

Have a good weekend. 

GL and GB!

Morning Charts 09/25/2015 SPX /es

So let me get this straight, we need to raise rates but rates should not go much below zero. The laugher of the morning is the GDP 'spike'. Never mind all that just keep ignoring that all the major markets are crashing and ignore onwards! Confusion is good. Life is good!

On to the lie - 

SPX 15m - Just that little break of resistance bouncing off triple support. Volatile consolidation continues. The near term range is clear in the chart below. There is a wider range up to 2064. Don't see why a move back to at least 1990 would not be in order here. gonna gap thru first resistance at 37 this morning then the 63 area will be the next resistance. Could get more, but we'll have to see what the Fed says and how geopolitical events unfold.

Freedom watch - 

Worth a read, but he misses a lot. Jake is a writer that has an angle but does not quite connect all the dots. This usually happens when first becoming indoctrinated into the conspiracy world. It's really a hard thing to grasp, but he'll get it one day. Forget the New World Order, Here’s Who Really Runs the World

Pre-crime is real - STB's discussed this for years, so this is nothing new. You do need to understand what it means. This means that they know you, where you live, go, when, how, how often, what you do there, how long you stay, what you buy, eat, drink, watch, play - basically, you have been patterned and analyzed to your core. they know everything about you and use that to judge or classify you in their system. Democracy is great!

More to come below. 

Have a good weekend. 

GL and GB!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Morning Charts 09/24/2015 SPX /es

The next distraction, cause they need one, like, really bad right now - Government Shutdown & Debt Limit Questions Answered. Other than that there is not much left to scream about this morning. The biggest deal I guess is we made it through September 23. If there was any day this month I was truly worried about after all the hype and propaganda it was yesterday. Now, that does not mean something did not happen yesterday that was not world changing (Pope, Agenda 2030). It did, just no FF.
On to the lie -

SPX 15m - 1925 NT support. Channeling down after support (blue) breakdown. Pos divs should form after the fall at the open.

Freedom watch - 

Pope spreading agenda 2030 via some sort of holy decree. His address to congress should be interesting, even more, their reaction to his desires (we know they don't react to ours).

He could really be the devil, just saying.  

We do have the blood moon coming Sunday.

More to come below.

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Morning Charts 09/23/2015 SPX /es

I have a board meeting this morning. Not sure I will be able to get a post up.  I'll get charts and news  in the comments.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Morning Charts 09/22/2015 SPX /es

The pope arrives today. He will be greeted by our muslim president. What a great day. I have to at least mention the possibility of a false flag with him here. Not much else to cover other than the daily calls for moar, the persistent rate rise crowd, inflation is whatever they say it is, Syria, and the usual plethora of other shit hitting the fan.

On to the lie - 

SPX 60m - I've been pretty persistent with my 1820/1750 target, looking down, larger volatile consolidation call. I'll stick with it till the Fed goes for QE.

Freedom watch - 

You must pay attention to this. This is your future being laid out for you.  this is where the establishment is going, and you will have no option but to follow. 'Mega' Agenda 21 resurrected with pope's help

"Francis is expected to enthusiastically endorse a new U.N. document that promises to wipe out poverty by 2030 by reordering the world economy along the lines of socialist principles. The document, titled “Transforming Our World: 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” also seeks to “strengthen universal peace” and usher in a new era of shared prosperity."

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Morning Charts 09/21/2015 SPX /es

Pope and Moar, get used to it this week. US Equity Futures Hit Overnight Highs On Renewed Hope Of More BOJ QE. You should prolly take this seriously as well - Martin Armstrong Warns "Hell Is About To Break Loose". Most of you know my feelings on our future. To put it in a nutshell, IF the markets even survive this next downturn and recover to remotely resemble a market, and IF they don't confiscate everything, then we got a chance. For good measure, as often discussed here at STB, Fed To Main Street: Screw You - Wall Street Matters More. As STB often recommends, protect yourself. Get what you can all the way out of their system.

On to the lie -

SPX Daily - Bout to get a 100/200 bear cross. Resistance all over as consolidation in a wide range continues.

Freedom watch -

Pope, that's about all you need to know this week - The Pope and the introduction of the 2030 Agenda which will possibly replace Agenda 21. This is possibly the most important, in your face, NWO, global initiative power grab moment you may ever witness. Translation of the UN's "2030 Agenda blueprint for globalist government" (controlled by corporate interests). I'm telling ya, you don't have long to take what's yours before they take it all.

More to come below.

Have a good week.

GL and GB!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Open Weekend Post 09/19-20/2015

You know the drill, share the love and the knowledge. 

If you see it, share it. I will as well. 

Thanks for another great week on the blog. 

Have a good weekend. 

GL and GB!

Morning Charts 09/18/2015 SPX /es

So .... nothing has changed. It's pretty much as simple as the Fed is between a rock and a hard place. Years of lies about a recovery, posting bogus economic stats, them feeding the banks trillions and their destruction of the middle class via protecting the market's illusion over reality has placed them (along with the US and global economies) on a very sustainable trajectory towards destruction. Confusion or lack of clear direction is not good. It's been obvious to me and most here that's been the case and apparently the sheepekl are starting to figure this out now. 

Looks like my dramatic holdout for moar is gaining traction - 

Global Stocks Slide, Futures Tumble On Confusion Unleashed By "Uber-Dovish" Fed
 "By then the inventory liquidation-driven recession will be upon the US and the Fed will be looking at either NIRP or QE4. Worse, the Fed just admitted it is as, if not more concerned, with the market than with the economy."
  This Is What Yellen Said About Negative Rates Coming To The US
 "But if the outlook were to change in a way that most of my colleagues and I do not expect, and we found ourselves with a weak economy that needed additional stimulus, we would look at all of our available tools."
Peter Schiff: "Once Again Fed's Bark Fails To Live Up To Its Bite"
"A rate hike is supposed to be a signal that the economy has a clean bill of health. But as the patient fails to recover, another dose of QE will be just what the doctor orders."
 And when the next QE is announced that will not be your signal to get long and strong, it will be time to run like hell.(I'll add that the next QE may has the real chance to be a direct injection to the very angry sheeple - something that will directly benefit the banks like paying off CC or mortgage debt or it could be a straight helicopter drop from the sky.) Cause we're rich like that biatch!

On to the lie - 

Consolidation (big wide volatile range), they can't let the markets collapse and the Fed is lost. I think they need real fear to get the next QE. This could involve a false flag, a war or any number of fear inducing tactics they have at their disposal. It could be as simple as a lot of negative propaganda bringing a larger drop (fast and furious but controlled) that brings about another Bullard moment. As I contend - "they" are not ready for the total takeover. "they" must keep the markets afloat till their defenses are in place. The stakes in this game of death are about to go up, way up. 

SPX  Monthly - there is a chance that larger blue wedge is in play and they fail here, revive and take the wedge into 2017, but then again the crashes have become more violent with each occurrence. Is this thing ready to simply go straight down? 

SPX Monthly - Still not moving that green target box I've had on this chart for 3 or more years now. 

Freedom watch - 

Looks like were back to secession talks - Will The Lone Star State Secede? Super Tuesday May Allow Voters To "Reassert Texas As Independent Nation"

And this is where Carson lost my potential vote forever - Dr. Ben Carson Gets It Wrong On Vaccine Question

More to come below.

Have a good weekend. 

GL and GB!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Morning Charts 09/16/2015 SPX /es

When it comes down to it, the words of the establishment are almost always misleading, and alternative (sometimes considered conspiratorial) are the best place to look for truth. This is a good read for what I think more closely represents reality than you will hear from most sources - The Real Reasons Why The Fed Will Hike Interest Rates

The most vital of areas at this time is perhaps the debts accrued by major banks and companies that have relied on overnight loans to facilitate massive stock buybacks. It has been these buybacks that have artificially supported stocks for years, and whenever ZIRP was not enough, the Fed stepped in with yet another QE program to give particular indicators a boost. The main purpose of this strategy was to ensure that markets would NOT reflect the real underlying instability of our economic system. The Fed has been pumping up banks and markets not only in the U.S., but across the globe.  Why?  We'll get to that, but keep in mind that it takes time and careful strategy to wear down a population and condition them to accept far lower living standards as the "new normal" (and it takes a sudden crisis event to convince a population to be happy with such low standards given the frightening alternative).

Also see  (where STB sits) - 
This is why (buybacks) so many analysts simply cannot fathom why the Fed would raise rates, and why many people fully expect the introduction of QE4. But we need to ask some fundamental questions here…

I'm obviously or record thinking they will/can never raise rates. If I'm wrong and they do raise rates so be it. In the end I'll have been right, and they never should have raised them in the first place. If anything a rate rise will expedite my QE call and at least hasten the end of this mess. This would bring us conspiracy nuts full circle - is the government ready for the ensuing chaos? That's been the big question all along. Then the War question? Then the Obozo dictator question? A rate cut makes things get real juicy real fast. 

On to the lie - 

SPX Daily - This chart did wonders for STB for years, but it has lost some of its luster now that the multi-year channel is now broken. The breakdown is clear and technically clean. What happens next? Well, a further breakdown should be in order, but in this manipulated and controlled farce you never know. I'll hold off on any speculation till the Fed speaks and we get the markets reaction. Updated upper and lower targets will be out later. For now, my 1820 and 1750 remain the first lower targets and 2064 is the first upper target. These targets represent the wide range of consolidation I think price will remain in for a while unless the Fed really screws things up.

Freedom watch - 

Trump hits another STB hot button endearing him a bit more to me, and Carson proves he's a shill for the establishment here - Trump: Vaccine Made One of my Employees’ Children Autistic


More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Morning Charts 09/16/2015 SPX /es

Sticking with the three C's for a while - China, Confusion and Corruption. Bad = Good is making an astounding comeback. Fed meeting is all that matters, till then, till clarity is delivered, we're no more than a candle blowing in the wind.

On to the lie - 

2032 around Halloween? Don't know, but a STB point there at the 62% retrace with the formation of a possible rising wedge would make for a good scenario. Churn it up while remaining in consolidation. Course in this manipulated market we play in, with recent volatility it could be at 2032 or 1932 tomorrow. 

SPX Daily - Note for those "counting", any recovery here without a "5th" and your screwed. I still want 1820 and stubbornly lean south with consolidation being the primary force. Disappointed that they blew through resistance yesterday.

SPX 30m - STB covering all the bases. When confusion reigns in consolidation at what I see as a major long term top, you get volatility. With that you have to look for all the zigs and zags and can't really stay married to one idea for too long. You saw this from me last week. Potential rising triangle. One of you pointed it out to me in the commentary yesterday (the old and wise one I believe). That breakout looks legit on the outside. Wow, where wedge consolidation meets channel resistance, the point where failure was immanent, with economies and everything crashing all around and ..... the sucker breaks out! Great spot to squeeze some shorts! Welcome to the Fed's world dear trader.

Freedom watch - 

Spooky when you think about where they are going - Google hires mental health expert to lead new life sciences unit

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Morning Charts 09/15/2015 SPX /es

Gotta love the PPT. All is well. Here is the overnight skinny bringing you into this morning (while all you can do is wait on the Fed Thursday). China Stocks Drop Most Since Late August, BOJ Disappoints Bailout Addicts; US Futures Flat. Thursday has the potential to be one of the biggest days ever in market/financial history IMO. If they raise rates everything goes bonkers. If they don't, then confusion will still reign. Can't win either way.

On to the lie -

Consolidation and all sorts of patterns ending going into FOMC in the middle of the craziest month we may ever experience. 

SPX 30m - A whole bunch of possibilities. 

SPX 5m - Just a small (or larger) something that could be in play. 

Freedom watch -

Listen very carefully to Zo.

Why Credit Card Chips Are Really Creepy | ZoNation

More to come below.

Have a good day.

GL and GB!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Morning Charts 09/14/2015 SPX /es

China, confusion and corruption - the new Three C's.

On to the lie - 

SPX Daily - Consolidation, support/resistance, super wide range possibility of breakout either way and this should start, like, today. 

SPX 30m - End of consolidation at resistance.

Freedom watch - 

The rarest of all, a positive event! A victory for the sheeple! Monsanto Stunned - California Confirms 'Roundup' Will Be Labeled "Cancer Causing"
Very interesting and another positive, cause this is what it's gonna take to get our country back - 1 In 3 Americans Would Support A Military Coup... In America

More to come below. 

Have a good week. 

GL and GB!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Open Weekend Post 09/12-13/2015

You know the drill. Share the love and the knowledge. 

Shemitah weekend!

If you see it, share it. I will as well. 

Have a good weekend. 

GL and GB!

Morning Charts 09/11/1015 SPX /es

Lack of news and the meat of the post is below in the Freedom Watch section. 

On to the lie -

SPX Daily - Consolidation.

SPX 30m - Consolidation coming to an end under resistance.

Freedom watch -

Well, where else is there to go with the freedom watch section today other than 9/11? The day that cost us everything. The day that brought us the constitution stripping, freedom destroying and political empowering Patriot Act. The one policy they had to have to control us. 

I'll simply leave the 9/11 issue up for you to decide, but you must look at all the evidence with an open mind. First start with this post This is the best, most comprehensive and mind blowing post on Building 7. Next move to which will seriously alter or at least have you questioning the official narrative. Scour the video section and pay close attention the the third tower (Building 7) that just happened to fall down later that fateful day (see  What was housed in building 7? CIA, FBI, gold, all sorts of evidence of criminal activity - follow the money

If you want more information, then you can go into the 9/11 Commission report that was a complete failure at best. You need to see 28 Pages That Will Change the World. What was in those 28 pages that we can't see? Of the mass of evidence that disproves the official story my favs are Building 7, the invisible plane at Shanksville and the individual testimony from workers at the twin towers. 

You may want to take the time to watch Loose Change.

All I ask is that you look at the evidence and form your own opinion. Truth, think about that word and the world you live in today. Don't believe False Flags re real or even possible? Read 42 ADMITTED False Flag Attacks. Conspiracy theories are rapidly becoming conspiracy truth, and conspirators are actually not considered the nuts they once were. If you want more information let me know below, and I'll take you as far down the rabbit hole as you want to go. 

Somewhat 9/11 related - I have to add this, The UN’s “Sustainable Development Agenda” is Basically a Giant Corporatist Fraud. STB has brought this subject up many times before and tried desperately to emphasize its importance/reality. You seriously need to read and understand this. This will partially be your future, and is for certain (without a revolution) your children and grandchildren's future.

More to come below.

Have a good weekend.

GL and GB!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Morning Charts 09/10/2015 SPX /es

How can you top this

"Anyone waking this morning will glance at US equity futures and happily note its unchanged-ness relative to weakness in Asia overnight. But behind the scenes of the last 12 hours was a total and utter farce of price discovery failure. S&P 500 e-mini futures have been halted twice (0551ET anbd 0612ET) in what one market observer exclaimed "looks like manipulation to me." So what exactly happened at 6:12am?"

And remember mr. market cheering about moar Abe? Yeah, this is why. Mark your calendars!
"the BOJ’s Oct. 30 meeting would be "good opportunity" for further easing."

On to the lie - 

As you know, September is going to be a wild month. 

SPX Daily - Lot's of resistance that is actually being resistance. 1991, the 20dma, 38% retracement and several diagonals are actually holding.

SPX 30m - I still want my 1820 before their possible last run at glory. Maybe, if the market does not puke up a lung here, that possible rising triangle could be in play after a bit more consolidation. For now, there is a chance that all that resistance (combined with a plethora of global negative market pressures) leading to the potential larger black falling channel being in play. Another possibility is that blue wedge could turn into a big ass bear flag. 


Freedom watch -

If You Don’t Think Americans Have Lost Our Freedoms, READ THIS -

"The Land of the Fleeced and the Home of the Slave"

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Morning Charts 09/09/2015 SPX /es

Japan is just fine, trust me!

On to the lie - 

SPX 30m - Resistance goes down this morning and the consolidation ends (for now). Could this just be an overthrow of resistance and a set up for more downside? I'm not so sure about that right now. More downside is to come, but I have a feeling that we're getting ready to find the ceiling (possibly as high as 2062) to what I think will become an even larger consolidation area. News, news, news, that's all that matters. Things are quiet for now. They have everyone lulled to sleep again questioning another run at glory that the greedy ones simply can't ignore or pass up. Alas, this will pass and the nerves and fear that's subsided will reappear sooner than later. See Global Equity Index Hanging On Lower Precipice for a good chart that technically sets up the coming consolidation and top (or fail). Another great technical point for the markets to shit the bed will be pissed on by the Fed, CME and Citadel this morning.

Freedom watch - 

The Patriot Act sucks, and it's end game scenario will be placing your grandchildren in a police state possibly worse than you could find in any Orwell book. "Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death": The Loss Of Our Freedoms In The Wake Of 9/11

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Morning Charts 09/08/2015 SPX /es

Welcome to the new normal. Market intervention has been going on for years now. It's never a big deal and no one cares when the markets go straight up. It's when they are crashing and intervention is used to support or stop a crash that all of a sudden it becomes an issue. That's ass-backwards but, whatever. See China Loses All Control, Spends 600 Billion Yuan On Plunge Protection In August, Tightens Capital Controls and then focus your attention on The Numbers Are In: China Dumps A Record $94 Billion In US Treasurys In One Month

Abe and his mafia get to control Japan for three moar years, so that's a bonus to the QE crowd as well. Then you can read Does The Fed Really Have A Choice? (Or Why The "Market" Could Soar From Here) to get some basic insight into what could become a prevailing cult move to be the final distraction before the great implosion. Put all that together, add another potential QE from the Fed and you can see why I'm not freaking out about a massive collapse yet. Blah, up, blah, corruption, blah, blah, manipulation - SSDD.

On to the lie - 

SPX Daily - I'm wanting to lean on the potential falling red wedge. I'm still wanting 1820 for the Fed's floor (that could reach to 1750). The Sunday and Monday moves in the futures bought them some cushion and could generate some positive momo. Overall, I'm still thinking a wide range of consolidation. 

Freedom watch - 

Interesting - remember the 2030 agenda and the pope's coming here this month (not to mention the last pope prophecy) - Conservative dissent is brewing inside the Vatican

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Friday, September 4, 2015

Open Weekend Post 09/05-06/2015

You know the drill, share the love and the knowledge. 

If you see it, share it. I will as well. 

Enjoy the holiday weekend. I'll put up a new post on Monday. 

College football is BACK! I'm fired up. 

GL and GB!

Morning Charts 09/04/2015 SPX /es

Blogger ate another post! Son of a bitch. It's gotten to a point where I may have to do my posts in word and then copy and paste to blogger. What a pain. I will say that it took some time for blogger to "accept" a lot of the links in the post below. Almost like they did not want me to link to such things.

What I had written about, before it got sucked into some cyber black hole, was that y'all can focus all you want on the markets and the rate hikes or QE or whatever. Be my gust, but you're looking at the wrong thing. Markets are NOT important. Markets today are a lie, a ruse, all meant to distract you from the coming economic collapse and the paradigm shift to planned global control. 

See The Big List Of 33 Things That Are Going To Happen In September 2015. Of the many things that stand out to me on the list is the time from September 23-28.

The United Nations launches a brand new “universal agenda” for humanity known as “the 2030 Agenda

The Pope appears at the UN to deliver an address to kick off the conference at which the 2030 Agenda will be unveiled
For those of you that have completely ignored my Sustainable Development and Agenda 21 fearmongering over the years, maybe now is time you tune in. Want to know where we are headed? Want to know what sort of world your children and grand children are going to endure? So, what is this 2030 Agenda and where does it come from? Well, let's go to and find out shall we.Here is section three of the

3. We resolve, between now and 2030, to end poverty and hunger everywhere; to combat inequalities within and among countries; to build peaceful, just and inclusive societies; to protect human rights and promote gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls; and to ensure the lasting protection of the planet and its natural resources. We resolve also to create conditions for sustainable, inclusive and sustained economic growth, shared prosperity and decent work for all, taking into account different levels of national development and capacities.

How about this - 

 30. States are strongly urged to refrain from promulgating and applying any unilateral economic, financial or trade measures not in accordance with international law and the Charter of the United Nations that impede the full achievement of economic and social development, particularly in developing countries.

You need to read the whole thing, but watch this first so you can have the proper contex going into their 2030 Agenda. 

Agenda 21 For Dummies 

It's about to go nuts. This world is about to be turned upside down. the sheep are about to be herded, put in their pens, reeducated and the ones that refuse to play their game will be eliminated. Wealth confiscation, eugenics, it's all coming. Where do these nut jobs get these ideas from? I suggest you read World Evolutionary Humanism, Eugenics and UNESCO. It will blow your mind.

Total control is coming, like it or not. Now, we're not about to give in without a fight, and one hell of a fight it is gonna be. I hope you are prepared. More to come on this exciting and wonderful development in future posts. The markets don't matter, they are just a distraction. I hope I can wake you up to their agenda and what they have planned for your future. 


On to the lie - 

So much for a holiday ramp - gotta wonder what's changed after years of predictable holiday euphoria?

SPX 5m - Consolidation

SPX 60m - Consolidation under resistance. I still want 1820. May or may not get it, but that's where I am. 

Freedom watch - 

See above - all freedom is going to be lost.

More to come below. 

Have a good weekend. 

GL and GB!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Morning Charts 09/03/2015 SPX /es

Not much to say today. China's sort of on a back burner (other than their war ships off the coast of Alaska and a boastful V day parade), and the bad = good financial news (ECB/Jobs) is spiking again. I'd equate right now to a lull in the storm.
On to the lie -

SPX 5m - Late yesterday I said over 1943 and bully would have the ball near term. Guess I got lucky. That small Inverse HnS that formed over the past two days broke out at the close yesterday and caught fire overnight. An area around the mid 80's would be a good resistance point. Price may stall and consolidate in a rather wide range here.


Freedom watch - 

Really?  Undercover FBI agents spy on Burning Man festival to prevent 'terrorism' and test out new 'intelligence collection' technology

More to come below.

Have a good day.

GL and GB!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Morning Charts 09/02/2015 SPX /es

Hmmm .... Bill Gross: "Go To Cash". Extreme? That's for you to decide. STB has been recommending that you take profits off the table and all the way out of the system for over a year now.

Is it time to bail completely? There will come a time when you want zero exposure to anything, possibly even cash. I contend that when they run for the gates they all run at the same time. So mass selling coupled with mass redemptions creates the perfect storm. How much of your assets do you want exposed to this storm? Remember the "gates are closed". When the time comes and capital controls are in place after your savings have been wiped out in the next crash; how will you be prepared to maintain your economic freedom? 

On to the lie - 

SPX Daily - Support and resistance in the possible falling larger red wedge. No clear near term direction or patterns. If they can get a new low, then some real positive divergences would be set to squeeze. I'm gonna continue to look down, preferably to the 1820 (or lower) area before (or if) a turn comes. I simply see no driver for a lift other than a QE announcement.

Freedom watch - 

Laws are laws, but .... School district investigating mass baptism at football practice. At a time when Christians are being persecuted, and when we need Him now more than ever ... 

Blatant abuse - and the cops are furious that this was released (cause it completely disproves their "official story"). Listen to this interview completely. This policeman's testimony is classic. San Antonio police shoot, kill man standing still with hands raised.

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Morning charts 09/01/2015 SPX /es

China, the economic leader of the future, taking over the world, to become the most powerful nation on the planet, not only growth but super growth powering the global economy into orbit, blah, blah, blah .... are you starting to see through their propaganda now? Sadly about six years ago I started comparing the US to big red as sort of a joke. Now the truth is once again stranger than fiction. We're headed down the same path. Do you now see where lies, corruption and the erosion of freedom lead? Believe it. Stop doubting. Cross that line in the sand and see reality for what it is people. If you don't, if you remain in slumber or denial, you will not be ready for what is to come. 

On to the lie - 

SPX Daily - Support and resistance. Potential new large falling red wedge. I doubt any sort of recognizable trend or pattern will form. this breakdown should cause the development of a new technical pattern. I'm gonna coin it the "elevator shaft".

SPX Monthly - For those of you that are into the Cycle thingy. That monthly candle tho .... The bulls last hope - that potential large rising wedge with a down and up left to complete the formation. don't see how that could happen other than money literally falling from the skies (which still could happen).

SPX Weekly - Two points to me of interest - January of '13 and June of '14 - everything beyond these two dates is an illusion, it's fake. It will all be taken back, and when that's taken back more (much) more will follow. 

Freedom watch - 

What should begin my ramping up of prepper talk and STB fear mongering of how bad things are about to get - Preparing For A Potential Economic Collapse In October


More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!