Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Morning Charts 01/31/2017 SPX /es

Again not sure what to cover up here as market moving news is everywhere but it's all pretty insignificant stuff at this point. Pretty sure we're waiting on Trump to make a move that will severely disrupt things or ignite them - or both. Sounds like a bumpy ride is coming to me as status quo is upended and a predictable POTUS is now at the helm (meaning he's gonna do what he says whether you like it or not - that's why we elected him). 

On to the lie - 

SPX Daily

DOW Weekly - It should be all over. 

Freedom watch - 

The insanity and mass double standards are simply insane - 

The Left Is Self-Destructing: Paul Craig Roberts Rages "The Mindlessness Is Unbearable"

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Monday, January 30, 2017

Morning Charts 01/30/2017 SPX /es

Big week for STB and football with ATL in the SB and the Dawgs have a shot at #1 recruiting class. Obviously that's a lot more interesting to me right now than the stagnant markets. 

On to the lie -

SPX Daily - I don't have much as there are still apparently no market worthy news events worth much of anything right now. It's strange. Like we've gone beyond the twilight zone. If you thought things were different before, well ... they appear to be becoming even more different under Trump. Something's gonna give sooner than later. With T apparently there is going to be a lot of good with bad - now how 'they' chose to define what = what as they change the rules to fit their game is beyond my pay grade. 

SCDD - get it? LOL 

Everything pointing south here on this chart, but a couple others actually have a pullback to pop possibility. Nothing is real anymore, so ... whatever. 

Freedom watch - 

Trump in massive battle with elite establishment MSM and apparently neither side is about to quit. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Friday, January 27, 2017

Open Weekend Post 01/28-29/2017

You know the drill, share the love and the knowledge. 

If you see it, share it. I will as well. 

Trust me on this one - you can waste a lot of time and be amazed at what this dude does in the woods building stuff. Takes me back to when I was a kid, but he actually gets stuff done - Warning - you won't be able to stop watching.

Primitive Technology

Have a good weekend. 

GL and GB!

Morning Charts 01/27/2017 SPX /es

Well, I'm seeing April - at least someone is looking. "When Will It End?" BofAML's 10-Point Checklist. Note if they are looking, I promise they will not be last in line. Just sayin. 

So bad = Good, so keep things bad? Grantham's GMO Asks: "What If Trump Succeeds?"

On to the lie - 

SPX 60m - A pullback to 70 - 67 is in order (and that's being kind). From/if there we'll figure it out. So little support back to 2120. Overthrow the rising wedge resistance, then the wedge breaks down and  ... price shoots up against all the negative divergences - go figure. Now backtesting busted support in an overthrow situation. Insane. 

Freedom watch - 

Take out the trash! Wave Of State Department Personnel Resign, Are Fired As Tillerson Takes Control 

Gonna have to change the name of this section of the post. too much good shit is happening. 

More to come below.

Have a good weekend. 

GL and GB!

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Morning Charts 01/26/2017 SPX /es

Not much to say up here. Way to many balls in the air going in many directions. 

On to the lie - 

SPX Daily

SPX Daily - closer look than above - chart I've been showing for a while now. Nothing is good here technically and the bust above the very narrow upper BB, well that's way out of the norm. Price is now taking 'breaking all the rules' to even higher heights.  

Freedom watch - 

This section stays in tact for now, but the revelation of T has made the immediacy of it and it's contents somewhat subdued as compare to what the last administration was doing. We still got the NSA, DHS and all taht, but for now things are calm and not near as Orwellian they were under the last/worst potus. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Morning Charts 01/25/2017 SPX /es

early post

On to the lie - 

Freedom watch - 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Morning Charts 01/24/2017 SPX /es

Will the third time be the charm? Not sure how the total control team can manage this much longer - Options Traders Are Pricing In The 3rd Highest Chance Of A 'Black Swan' Crash In History

On to the lie - 

SPX Daily - Boring, but it is what it is and the best I got right now. Should, should be failing (or have failed on several occasions). 

Freedom watch - 

I think if ur gonna stay u better learn to speak the language - New White House begins with English-only website as Team Trump breaks with Obama by nixing all Spanish-language content

More to come below. 

Have a a good day. 

GL and GB!

Monday, January 23, 2017

Morning Charts 01/23/2016 SPX /es

Falcons to the big game - I'm in shock. Not going, been to a SB, no real interest in going to another. 

Trump's first day in office - has potential to be very interesting. 

Well, let's just keep our eyes open - things could swing wildly and quickly -  Trader Warns "Trump's First Week Could Keep Markets Busy" - What To Watch

On to the lie - 

SPX 30m - no nothing as price consolidates coiling into the end of a triangle. Soon, soon something will happen. the last period like this it broke down and failed until the amazing Trump rally. 

Blogger not letting me post a chart for some reason this morning - I'll put it in comments below. 

Freedom watch - 

Other than a bunch of backassward tools prostesing the freedom front this morning is looking up. With the new POTUS (now, again, in all caps) this actually has potential of becoming a positive in stead of negative part of the post. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Friday, January 20, 2017

Open Weekend Post 01/21-22/2017

You know the drill, share the love and the knowledge.

If you see it, share it. I will as well.

Have a good weekend.

GL and GB!

Trump Inauguration Day! The End of the Greatest Error

I'll be late today due to morning meeting.

Let's pray T makes it to being sworn in.

More to come below.

Have a good day!

GL and GB!

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Morning Charts 01/19/2017 SPX /es

Today is HIS last day - Good lord please let us make it through these last 24 hours without any major incident. Amen.  

Like this even matters anymore - they've blown past QE being relative - the real strings are puled from behind the curtain now. ECB Leaves Rates Unchanged, Keeps QE At €60BN But May Revise It Higher Or Lower and then this EUR Plunges After Draghi Highlights "Downside Risks", Downplays Inflation

On to the lie -

SPX Daily - Again - big black wedge (BREXIT rally) - then failure - red wedge (Trump rally) to backtest busted support (at unprecedented heights) and that's now cracking support all with severe LT negative divergences on all time frames. Does not get any better than this - This is sooooo stupid and we're all gonna pay for it in the end. 

Freedom watch -

If you care - Here's How Google Tracks You (And What You Can Do About It)

and since they're being so accommodating about their spying this morning - CIA Unveils New Rules For "Collecting, Analyzing And Storing" Information On American Citizens

Conspiracy fact - get used to it. 

More to come below.

Have a good day.

GL and GB!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Morning Charts 01/18/2017 SPX /es

early post

On to the lie -

Freedom watch -

More to come below.

Have a good day.

GL and GB!

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Morning Charts 01/17/2017 SPX /es

Not sure if any of this is really worth your time, but in case ur interested and want to pretend you know what's going on - Why Futures Are Lower: JPMorgan Summarizes The Chaotic Overnight Session.

On to the lie -

SPX Daily - Patterns ending (time and time again), BB's narrowing, negative divergences growing and 2300 or 22k just out of reach. 

Freedom watch -

#Fake news raging and would still not be surprised if they try one last time to eliminate Trump before inauguration. 

More to come below.

Have a good day.

GL and GB!

Friday, January 13, 2017

Open Weekend Post 01/14-15/2017

You know the drill, share the love and the knowledge. 

If you see it, share it. I will as well. 

Have a good weekend. 

GL and GB!

Morning Charts 01/13/2017 SPX /es

Well, this has a good schedule for what will be a busy day - Futures Rise On Friday 13th Ahead Of Deluge Of Bank Earnings; Dollar Continues To Decline

One week, this is the last weekend 'they' have to mess things up. Israel bombs Damascus which will retaliate. Troops massing near Russia - Can T stop the madness? Let's hope so. 
On to the lie - 

SPX 60m - Another wedge failing - one of these days they are not gonna be able to recover, and price will fall - quickly. 

SPX Weekly - I really think a quick move to 2120 is in order. LT chan 50% diagonal resistance is holding well. They need to check channel support and first major support. To many neg divs and OB conditions need to be relieved. Just MHO. 

Freedom watch - Snowden Slams Obama After Expanding "Unchained NSA" Surveillance Powers For Donald Trump

More to come below. 

Have a good weekend. 

GL and GB!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Morning Charts 01/12/2017 SPX /es

Lots and lots of Fed speak today. Pretty sure we will be just as confused at the end of the day as now about their mission and direction. Things are about to get really interesting. Trump's calling out the media first for their BS - who's next? there is a long line to get thru, so let's keep moving. 

Davos - well China is in zig mode sticking with globalism - China's Xi to promote globalization at Davos, not 'war and poverty' and Trump in zag mode with the vast populace of the planet turning nationalist. Pretty sure we can see the elite agenda will be pushed thru China now having lost their Opuppet. 

On to the lie -

SPX Daily - BB width finally narrowing to a point signaling change, but ass you can see back in August, it can take a month for this to make a difference. So busted black wedge, failed breakdown to backtest and now double top with neg divs and narrow BB's. Can't ask for anything more technically. Just another step closer I guess. 2300 and 22k or bust my friends!

Freedom watch - 

Not sure if this is propaganda or just a propbet - Trump Impeachment Now Even Odds At Bookies

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Morning Charts 01/11/2017 S{X /es

Sorry - not much to discuss up here. till the Fed makes a move or something blows up, we're in stall mode.

On to the lie - 

SPX 30m

Freedom watch - 

Just go to ZH and see all the #fakenews headlines - Now imagine if HRC had been elected and we were not addressing this situation. Wow.

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Morning Charts 1/10/2017 SPX /es

All quiet up here for now. 

On to the lie -

SPX Daily - Large black wedge breakdown - unreasonable backtest (blue sharp wedge) at insane levels - now a double top (red wedge)  - all with major time frames all in negative divergence mode. They are barely hanging on. 71, 54 and 46 are S anything below 46 and it's game on for the bears. 

Freedom watch -

Other than the standard daily offenses, quiet down here as well. 

More to come below.

Have a good day.

GL and GB!

Monday, January 9, 2017

Morning Charts 01/09/2016 SPX /es

Nothing much up here today - market news is somewhat sparse. 

On to the lie -

SPX 10m - tale of two sides - Rising wedge to resistance ending OR is the IHnS for real? 

Freedom watch -  

Quiet down here as well. Makes for an easy post. 

More to come below.

Have a good week.

GL and GB!

Friday, January 6, 2017

Open Weekend Post 01/07-08/2017

You know the drill, share the love and the knowledge. 

If you see it, share it. I will as well. 

Have a good weekend. 

GL and GB!

Morning Charts 01/06/2017 SPX /es

I'm scared to death of what Obitch and the elites are gonna do over the next two weeks. That's all the time left to finish their mission to take over this country. 

On to the lie -

SPX 2hr


More to come below.

Have a good weekend!

GL and GB!

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Morning Charts 01/05/2017 SPX /es

Lame Duck potus doing his best to throw as many wrenches in the engine as possible now. He could severely screw something up between now and the 20th. Can we get thru the next two weeks is the big question to me. 

ADP miss - surprised? HA! Just wait till Trump starts reporting REAL numbers. When he begins to uncover the lies of this current administration (that's not a very appropriate word - more like cabal is appropriate) - it's gonna be unprecedented confusion/anger. 

On to the lie - 

What to get out of the two below charts? The weekly trend (LT) channel is still intact, but the monthly chart is showing an overthrow of upper resistance (long term). So, while it may look good on a shorter term basis in that weekly momo situation, price has driven too far. Correction is needed. They need a backtest of 2120 before they can go higher. That is your critical point. 

SPX Monthly

SPX Weekly -

Freedom watch - 

You need to believe - You need to cross the line and exit your perceived reality and seriously consider 11984 is here - The Coming Crackdown On Free Speech

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Morning Charts 01/04/2017 SPX /es

The balloon can only hold so much helium and when it reaches a specific altitude .... (Balloon Performance Calculator Tutorial - in case ur interested - pretty sure the Fed visits this site daily). What 12 'Financial Experts' Predict For The Economy in 2017 (Spoiler Alert: It's Ugly). As we've been reduced to saying - it's only a matter of time for it is when not if it happens.

On to the lie -

SPX 60m - Well, I wanted a dip then run to 20k. Maybe I was a bit early to the party. I started shorting in the 2nd and 3rd weeks of December. Then last week I gave the obscure target of 2225 to 2230 support in no man's land at the 60m 200ma. Nailed that and now the push back thru 2255 resistance (actually gap open thru this R this morning) may lead to the run they need for 20k. 

Will they get it? No clue. You just gotta believe they want it, it is their market, and thus, more than likely right or wrong they get their number (no matter what Obummer does to continue to hamper the smooth transition.) Price has broken down from all major patterns. Price is ready to collapse. Just a matter of when at this point.

Freedom watch -

If you did not see the Assange interview last night - it is a must see. There is a great chance that Wikileaks Offers $20,000 Reward For Information Exposing Obama Administration Destroying Records will deliver some goods. Once in office I have a feeling that Trumps greatest problem may be the issue to or not to prosecute Obummer and HRC. He may not have a choice - he'll have to do it - but what happens to the country when he does what is just and right. What happens when he exposes this leadership for the criminal cabal that they are? Does he stay alive is the biggest question I have? I have a sneaky feeling that the WikiLeaks Hints At Huge Upcoming Revelations: "2017 Will Blow You Away" is gonna throw the sitting president so far under the bus that there won't be much left of him when it is over. O may be the first post potus to go to jail.

More to come below.

Have a good day.

GL and GB!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Morning Charts 01/03/2017 SPX /es

early post

On to the lie -

Freedom watch -

More to come below.

Have a good day.

GL and GB!

Monday, January 2, 2017

Morning Charts 1/2/2017

Holiday post - y'all have at it below. Wonder what this week has in store. I'll be back in the office tomorrow. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Sunday, January 1, 2017

1/1/2017 Happy New Year STB!

Happy New Year to all at STB! Many thanks to each of you for being here and contributing to make this one special place. This blog would be nothing without each of you. Not sure I can say I'm looking forward to 2017. It holds more promise than any of the last 8 years, but the crash is still coming, and the fight for freedom is still being waged. We will take it a day at a time and make the best of it as we always do. Thanks again for being here, and best wishes to all next year.

And here is your usual New Years gift from STB. Many thanks to all for another great year on the blog. It's a long hard fight and I appreciate you all being in the trenches with me. 

GL and GB!