Thursday, October 15, 2009

Unmask The Fed

What a day, workers cut all phone and computer lines to the WHOLE BUILDING around 2:00, so with that and OT guest in town no post tonight.

Please consider participating in this worthy cause.

Unmask The Fed

Unmask The Fed

From ZH cause I am too lazy to recreate this. Tired Of Being Robbed By The Fed? Here Is Your Chance To Tell Your Senator

"Hot on the heels of realizing that the money you have now is getting close to worthless in order to bail out the Wall Street oligarchy, courtesy of the Chairman, Alan Grayson is taking his initiative to delay Bernanke's nomination direct to the people, and here is your chance to be heard. A new website Unmask the Fed is soliciting Americans' endorsement in getting to the bottom of the following question:

Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, is up for confirmation to his second term, but he has still refused to disclose where he sent $2 trillion in taxpayers' money. Send a message to your Senators and ask them to make Bernanke come clean before his confirmation moves forward!"

Unmask The Fed

Unmask The Fed

1 comment:

  1. You Rock Shanky, I have hope for the shorts!


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