Friday, March 23, 2012

Open Weekend Post 03/24-25/12 - Inc is Getting Married Edition

You know the drill, share the love and the knowledge.

Note the new poll question =========>

This weekend we have to share some special love for one of our own. The master of the 13/34 (which we hope are not his wife to be's measurements) gets married Sunday. Yup, another one bites the dust. Young love. Must be nice. I'm sure we can all share our own stories and experiences, but let's be positive here and stick with wishing him the best.

My best suggestion is marriage is just like this chart (yes, I used one of your charts - not updated of course - so you would understand better). It is full of peaks and valleys. It is work. It can be frustrating as hell. It can also be the most rewarding things ever. You BOTH have to sacrifice and work together to make this thing work everyday. Little about it comes easy. There is no beginning and there is no end and you are pledging till death do you part. So, when things at some point in the future dip (hopefully not crash or even flash crash), remember that is the time to step up and work a little harder. As your little green mentor says, "Do or do not ... there is not try."

Best wishes to Inc and his new bride on this awesome weekend!

Rumor has it the TSA will be checking people going into the church.

Out of respect to the soon to be Mrs. Inc I could not go where STB would normally go (thus proving I do have a heart) - here - enjoy - ugly wedding - Google Search.

GL and GB!

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