Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Rant - Cause I Need It

Just how did we get to this point of total global economic screwedupness? Simple, those mother fuckers that worship power, greed, money and prestige took us down. They fucked not only this nation but the whole global economic system in the name of power and greed.

Guess what? They can't fix the problems either, so now they are in a large, sticky web of lies and deceit that is getting larger and larger. They are covering up shit with more shit and we all know that does not work. Sooner or later the floor under that massive pile of shit is gonna give. Guess who's standing under this huge pile of shit? Yup, you and me baby.

Do we deserve it, hmmmm...., somewhat. We took the bait and ran with it. What the fuck? It was free money and no one seemed to care who had it or where or how they spent it. We consumed and they kept giving us more money to spend. What the fuck was a nation with a negative savings rate and a WHOLE BUNCH OF ENTITLED MORONS to do? (Entitled my ass. What a spoiled ass POS nation we have become.)

Guess who is going to be standing high and dry after the shit falls? Uh, you guessed it. You see, those bastards are taking our money and saving their asses leaving us to pay for the mess. The TBTF and their bonuses, LMFAO. They are saving America. Without them you would have nothing. Go fuck yourself I say to that. You bastards got us here and I'd prefer you rot in hell and pay your penance rather than have anything to do with this "recovery".

The lies and bullshit have to stop. Unfortunately they will, but not because they threw so much shit on the pile that the problem went away, but because that pile of shit and lies is so big and growing at such a pace that no one will be able to dig their way out of this mess. Think of it as a set of dominoes lined up in a gigantic pyramid eternally expanding. The first 10 rows were manageable, but once they kept falling and expanding all control was lost. Systemic risk? Ha, our government and the Fed are it and caused all of it. What a freaking joke.

Mother fuckers. Kiss my ass. Fuck you I say. You took our trust and our money and threw it all away. I don't want to hear any apologies. You bowed to the special interest groups and FUCKED UP ROYALLY. You totally forgot why you are in Washington. You totally PISSED all over the Constitution and put your fucking self ahead of your constituents. If you can explain ANY reason why a group like ACORN is funded or give me a legitimate reason Sarb-Ox was canned, then I may have time to listen, but till then take your freaking lies and bullshit and stick 'em where the sun does not shine.

Hell, it has gotten so bad that the SEC is actually going back to work. Ain't that the shit. The total lack or any form of regulation from our representatives (who needs Sarbanes-Oxley anyway?) is astounding. We need a total overhaul of Washington. Maybe now the smoke screen of Hope and Change (Bush and Clinton are just as much to blame) has cleared and in this next election some real fucking issues will be addressed by real politicians (term used VERY lightly) speaking real truth and with actionable ideas. I won't hold my breath.

Our goose is not totally cooked cause we still got some dirt under our feet. As for everything else you can think of as reality, it may all end soon. Our bankers and the Fed and congress have really FUCKED the whole world and they are gonna get away with it cause WE are bailing them out (not by our choice though). It is time for some real change, and I have a feeling we're gonna let Washington know it before the next election, cause when that pile of shit falls we're all gonna be so pissed they won't be able to ignore us anymore.


I feel better now. Thank you.

For those of you that are new followers/readers to the blog, I apologize for the foul language above. I have to vent and many readers enjoy these. If you see rant in the title you have the option to simply ignore the post cause now you know what's coming.