Thursday, December 31, 2020

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Morning Post 12/30/2020 SPX

I got nothin this morning. Everyone everywhere sold out. 

Good vs evil 

On to the lie - 

It’s all a game or a show. Kinda miraculous how the puppet masters pull it off if you ask me. Fiat solves all problems I guess, till it doesn’t. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Morning Post 12/29/220 SPX

Full moon tonight called a Cold Moon. The 13th full moon of the year. 

Good vs evil

On to the lie - 

It is what it is. 

More to come below.

Have a good day.

GL and GB! 

Monday, December 28, 2020

Morning Post 12/28/2020 SPX

I’m not so sure we haven’t entered a new normal and 2021 ain’t gonna be much better than 2020. 

Good vs evil 

On to the lie - 

We got stimulus, but I’m still looking at the SPX 20dma.  It’s all fake, everything. They’re gonna pull the plug at some point. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Morning Post 12/24/2020 SPX

Merry Xmas Eve! 

On to the lie - 

It may get really interesting next week. 

“What if Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store. What if Christmas…perhaps…means a little bit more!” 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Morning Post 12/23/2020 SPX

I’m most curious about the rumor of the pope stepping down. 

Good vs evil 

On to the lie - 

Stimulus - ON 

That's what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown.”

More to come below.

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Morning Post 12/22/2020 SPX

K, so how stupid do they think we are has moved even lower - if that’s even possible. That’s scary from all three perspectives. 

On to the lie- 

Stimulus positive! All is well again! All is well. Pay no attention to that man with the money printing machine. All is well I tell you. Watch the 20dma. 

"I don't know what to say, but it's Christmas, and we're all in misery."

More to come below. 

Have a good day.

GL and GB!

Monday, December 21, 2020

Morning Post 12/21/2020 SPX

It’s Xmas week. I’m in the hornets nest here in GA, and I’m ignoring it all. Like Charlie Brown, I ain’t letting them destroy my Christmas. 

On to the lie - 

China virus round 2? A new strain? Nope. Not doing it. I’m not. No rant, yet. Don’t have too. Y’all get it. Watch the 20dma. 

Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before! What if Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store. What if Christmas... perhaps... means a little bit more!”

More to come below. 
Have a good day. 
GL and GB! 

Friday, December 18, 2020

Morning Post 12/18/2020 SPX

I’m in avoidance mode watching from a distance letting the dust settle. GA is a shitshow rn.  Just enjoying the season while we’re still allowed to. Ready for the fight if it comes to that. 

Good vs evil 

On to the lie - 

Quad witch to an ATH and TSLA to the SPX? You tell me this isn’t crazy town? 

"I wear the chain I forged in life,"

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Morning Post 12/17/2020 SPX

I’m settling in and mentally preparing for the worst. Not sure if we’ll ever have another honest election. We’ll know after 2022.  

On to the lie - 

If you have not begun to rotate out of fiat into real tangible assets, ya might want to consider it. The more things you buy with cash, the less they know you have. 

“Fraa-jeel-aay! It must be Italian!”

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Morning Post 12/16/2020 SPX

We haven’t believed data from anywhere at STB for years, and it’s only gotten worse -

Good vs evil 

On to the lie - 

Hey everyone! We’re stimulating!!! 

 “Isn’t it wonderful? I’m going to jail!”

More to come below.

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Morning Post 12/15/2020 SPX

I’m really being a good boy this Christmas not ramming the direness down your throats. 

Are you surprised? Plandemic. Eugenics.

Good vs evil 

On to the lie - 

Stimulus hopes - sounds like a movie in an old folks home  

Better take a rain check on that, Art - he's got a lip fungus they ain't identified yet...”

More to come below.

Have a good day.

GL and GB!

Monday, December 14, 2020

Morning Post 12/14/2020 SPX

I don’t think it will be too long till an actual sane person loses it and does something drastic. We’re getting close. 

On to the lie - 

Houston, we my have stimulation. 

Your soul is an appalling dump heap overflowing with the most disgraceful

Assortment of deplorable rubbish imaginable, mangled up in tangled up knots!”

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Friday, December 11, 2020

Morning Post 12/11/2020 SPX

I’m doin a good job at remaining calm with the shit storm surrounding us. Almost take solace in the action that must be taken if we lose. I’m ready. 

On to the lie -

No stimuli. No rise. Hmmm, age old adage? 

This quote is actually appropriate today, "Worse?! How could things get any worse? Take a look around you, Ellen! We're at the threshold of hell!!"

More to come below. 

Have a good day.

GL and GB!

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Morning Post 12/10/2020 SPX

If SCOTUS is still just, we shall find out. If not, our worst worries from over the years here at STB come to fruition. 

Good vs evil 

On to the lie - 

QE rarely disappoints, rarely. 

“Christmas day will always be, just as long as we have we.”

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Morning Post 12/09/2020 SPX

Not quite nut cuttin time but gettin close. 

On to the lie - 

Stimulus bill rejected but ECB QE = a draw I guess.

“Bumbles bounce!”

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Morning Post 12/08/2020 SPX

Now it’s getting good when they start trading the necessity of life - is sunshine next? Rock bottom yet? Not quite.

On to the lie -

Wall of fear becoming wall of insanity. Did they have a market in East Germafny? 

"Hallelujah! Holy shit! Where's the Tylenol?"

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Monday, December 7, 2020

Morning Post 12/07/2020 SPX

Have we hit the FUBAR point yet? If not we’re damn close to it. 

On to the lie - 

Anyone got a QE/Stimulus pulse this morning? Nope? OK, down then  

“Shitter’s full”

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Friday, December 4, 2020

Morning Post 12/05/2020 SPX

Well, we’re gonna find out if our justice system is still worth a shit. If not, GG. 

On to the lie - 

It’s difficult to describe or forecast something that’s fake every morning. Just throwing that out there. 

“for behold, I bring unto you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.“

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Morning Post 12/03/2020 SPX

It’s all about control. What’s real anymore? 

Good vs evil 

On to the lie -

Will there be signs before they allow the bottom to drop out? ‘Someone’ gets to get out first. I don’t think ‘they’ are out yet. 

The term ‘Grinchy’ shall apply when Christmas spirit is in short supply.“

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Morning Post 12/02/2020 SPX

Sounds like England is headed to be a full blown nanny control state from the headlines at ZH

On to the lie - 

See what you want to see, it’s not real  see wisely though. 

Charlie Brown: Don't you know sarcasm when you hear it?

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Morning Post 12/01/2020 SPX

Sad watching the republic die. 
Good vs evil 

On to the lie - 

Told you looks can be deceiving. I’m so close to declaring technical trading’s death. 

“What if Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store. What if Christmas…perhaps…means a little bit more!” ― Dr. Seuss,

More to come below. 
Have a good day. 
GL and GB! 

Monday, November 30, 2020

Morning Post 11/30/2020 SPX

Meh .. 

On to the lie - 

Gonna be an absolutely nutty December I’m guessing. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Friday, November 27, 2020

Morning Charts 11/27/2020 SPX

STB puts lights on trees day. 

Good vs evil 

On to the lie - 

It is what it is. 

More to come below.

Have a good day.

GL and GB! 

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thanksgiving 2020

Yes, even in 2020 we can find plenty to be thankful for. I appreciate each of you and our community. 

GL and GB!

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Morning Post 11/25/2020 SPX

Let the holidays begin! 

On to the lie - 

Insanity (definition). 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL, GB and Happy Thanksgiving! 

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Morning Post 11/24/2020 SPX

Do I even need to go there? We’re so far ahead of the game

ZH is lit this morning. We won’t be here much longer. 

On to the lie - 

One of my greatest calls - naming this section - “On to the lie “

More to come below. 

Have a good day.

GL and GB! 

Monday, November 23, 2020

Morning Charts 11/23/2020 SPX

I’m wondering what we’re being distracted from. 

Good vs evil 

On to the lie - 

Must be a vaccine ON day. Oh joy 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Friday, November 20, 2020

Morning Post 11/20/2020 SPX

Maybe it’ll take us losing to grow a backbone? I’ll die first -

On to the lie - 

Futures recover in testy times. Nothing is real anyway, so ... I’d be looking really hard at diversifying out of fiat into barterable things. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Morning Post 11/19/2020 SPX

I still refuse to admit it’s over, but it sure is looking like it is. If they think we’re just gonna lay down they’re wrong. This slow drip imprisonment is nuts  

Good vs evil 

On to the lie - 

If it’s over, then the lie is exactly what at this point? 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Morning Post 11/18/2020 SPX

This is the calm before the storm. 

Good vs evil. 

On to the lie - 

Glad to report today is a vaccine ON day. Enjoy!

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Morning Post 11/17/2020 SPX

Something about books, burning, history .. can’t quite put my finger on it -

On to the lie - 

It can’t just go straight up. That would be too obvious. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Monday, November 16, 2020

Morning Post 11/16/2020 SPX

I think we’re supposed to forget somethings happened. Like maybe an election or something  just move along. 

On to the lie - 

Vaccine On/Off  Liquidity On/Off  those are the switches some monkey plays with in a closet somewhere. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Friday, November 13, 2020

Morning Post 11/13/2020 SPX

Friday the 13th in 2020 the day before a lunar eclipse - could get wild. 

New Q -  Hey, Q keeps me hopeful which is better that anything other than faith at this time. 

On to the lie - 

Personal advice, don’t try to make sense of it. 


More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Morning Post 11/12/2020 SPX

Nothing new to any of you here - as STB has highly recommended For a decade now - barterable items, getting out of fiat and guns. 

Good vs evil 

On to the lie - 

Might be time to start looking  into some short opinions. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Morning Post 11/11/2020 SPX

How the hell or why would you be optimistic about a vaccine for a man made virus? 

STB will not exist under Biden administration Orwellian policy. 

Good vs evil 

On to the lie - 

Nothing like bouncing off ATH support. Nothing is real.

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Morning Post 11/10/2020 SPX

The show goes on. 

Good vs evil

On to the lie - 

Not sure how price is holding yesterday’s gains but it is. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Monday, November 9, 2020

Morning Post 11/09/2020 SPX

Good - Trump exposes and remains POTUS. Still not sure anyone on the bad side ever gets prosecuted. 

Bad - they’ve set it up for the radical left to go absolutely berserk. 

It’s one big show. Good vs evil

On to the lie - 

Uh .... gap up? To ATH. Why? Really? Like, .... really? 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Friday, November 6, 2020

Morning Post 11/06/2020 SPX

I’m still in avoidance mode. 

On to the lie - 

60m SPX has more gaps than my kids alibis. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Morning Post 11/05/2020 SPX

I’m gonna wait a bit and let this shit settle. My gut smells rats on both sides. I mean why would the self proclaimed genius have Barr, Wray and Haspel in charge? Enjoy the show? Hidden in plain sight? 

Question everything. 

Good vs evil. 

On to the lie - 

Who knows? Let’s be mindful of liquidity. In the end it’s literally everything. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Morning Post 11/04/2020 SPX

Gee, who didn’t see this coming? 

On to the lie - 

Betting odds, futures and Yuan were the coolest thing to follow last night. The cheat was in for Biden then Trump overcame the system then they stopped counting  .

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Morning Post 11/03/2020 SPX

Well, we get a lot of answers today. If the wrong person is elected odds are good we all may get to meet in person at a re-education center. Holy fuck. This is legit scary stuff. 

Good vs evil 

On to the lie - 

Markets are MAGA at least. 

More to come below. 
Have a good day. 
GL and GB! 

Monday, November 2, 2020

Morning Post 11/02/2020 SPX

Running late

Good vs evil 

On to the lie -

Watch round numbers and ma’s  

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Friday, October 30, 2020

Morning Post 10/30/2020 SPX

Q drops a new Vigano letter to Trump

Good vs evil 

On to the lie - 

Watch the round numbers. They’re not talking stimulus or easing so ... weakness 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Morning Post 10/29/2020 SPX

Close to total chaos. If Trump wins the overhaul needed will be massive. If he should lose .. wow. Lame duck Trump will be epic if they let him live. 

On to the lie -

S and R at round numbers for SPX. Wait and see mode. If PedoJoe elected we’re all doomed. What’s truly amazing is how stupid so many are. Guess their ‘education’ system really works.  

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Morning Post 10/28/2020 SPX

And this ain’t even full retard. We’re  still showing signs of sanity. Can’t wait to see how either side reacts to losing the election. That’s something you better be contemplating IMO. 

On to the lie- 

3335, 3305 then 3200 are your support numbers  

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Morning Post 10/27/2020 SPX

Let’s see what they throw at us today. They definitely keep you guessing. 

On to the lie - 

So, as I’ve been saying about that 3400 dma support check for a week now, bout damn time. What’s next?  I got no clue right now. 

More to come below.
Have a good day.
GL and GB!

Monday, October 26, 2020

Morning Post 10/26/2020 SPX

Good vs evil is what it all boils down to. Is there enough good to overcome the cheating evil? 

On to the lie - 

I’ve been looking for a move for 3400 support to be tested since Friday the 16th. All the stimulus and QE in the world won’t overcome a blue wave. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Friday, October 23, 2020

Morning Post 10/23/2020 SPX

Pretty sure if Pedo Joe wins ‘our’ America will be destroyed. I’m slightly terrified that the prospect even exists. Hell, I’m not sure 4 more years of Trump can save it. 

On to the lie - 

3400 and DMA support 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Morning Post 10/22/2020 SPX

Q still going nuts. Says today will be a big one.

Good vs evil. Shits for real. Homey ain’t playin. 

On to the lie - 

SPX DMAs at 3400 for support. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Morning Post 10/21/2020 SPX

Its like the ultimate shit show all over the planet. If you can envision shit just flying everywhere ... pretty sure we’re gonna see some more biblical stuff go down soon. 

On to the lie - 

DMAs at 3400 as support. All depends on stimulus. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Morning Post 10/20/2020 SPX

Lots of talk of digital currency. That would be the ultimate control tool. We’ve discussed getting all the way out of fiat for a decade now. It’s coming. Barter or PM will be the only way to be untraceable. 

On to the lie -

Watch DMAs at 3400 for support. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Monday, October 19, 2020

Morning Post 10/19/2020 SPX

Censorship is at Orwellian levels. Feel like I need to put a disclaimer on the blog. Enter at your own risk. Shanky is not responsible if you wind up in a re-education camp one day. 

New Q -

Nothing is real. Good vs evil. 

On to the lie - 

Minis up. Stimulus on/off seems to be the only game in town right now. They don’t even hide it anymore. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Friday, October 16, 2020

Morning Post 10/16/2020 SPX

Dystopian future is closer than it appears in the mirror. I believe in nothing but myself anymore. 

On to the lie - 

Watch trend line support. Another lower high at 60m 20ma might cause a turn showing some uncertainty headed into election. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Morning Post 10/15/2020 SPX

FB and @Jack went full 1984 retard yesterday. Not good when your oppressive future shows itself. We’re so fucked if Trump isn’t elected. 

On to the lie - 

No stimulus today (they’ve made it that easy). 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Morning Post 10/14/2020 SPX

Interesting sneak attack on Q. This larp and the movement sure has someone shook up for a ‘conspiracy’.

On to the lie - 

Futures flat. Slide may continue. Not sure. Just watch the dma support if it gets there. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Morning Post 10/13/2020 SPX

There is legitimate hope Trump will be re-elected and the democrat cheaters will be thwarted. If not, GG. 

On to the lie - 

Time for a breather? Short squeeze and stimulation pop out of gas? Let’s see if it consolidates above the 20 dma .

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Monday, October 12, 2020

Morning Post 10/12/2020 SPX

Every now and then I get these moments where I’m real uncomfortable about our trajectory. I’m there right now. 

More crap working towards the cashless society which will render us all to state control and bring on the mark of the beast.

On to the lie - 

More stimulus!

More to come below.

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Friday, October 9, 2020

Morning Charts 10/09/2020 SPX

New Q - it’s just surreal AF out there right now. Did they add DMT to the water supply instead of lithium?

On to the lie - 

If everyone knows everything then markets are saying Trump will be re-elected. Weak, but that’s all I got. 

More to come below. 
Have a good day. 
GL and GB! 

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Morning Post 10/08/2020 SPX

Pence destroyed Heels Up  

Q went off again -

On to the lie - 

DMAs and markets appear to be showing a Trump victory 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Morning Post 10/07/2020 SPX

Q and Trump went off last night. And ZH is full of good stuff this morning

On to the lie - 

To stimulate or not? Even democrats like to be stimulated. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Morning Post 10/06/2020 SPX

It’s really fucked up, what they’re trying to normalize. Good vs evil 

On to the lie - 

It is what it is. Nothing is real anymore. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day.

GL and GB! 

Monday, October 5, 2020

Morning Charts 10/05/2020 SPX

Only thing that blew up this weekend was Auburn’s offense and a few triggered libtards. 

On to the lie - 

Watch the dma’s 

More to come below.  

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Friday, October 2, 2020

Morning Charts 10/02/2020 SPX

I’m wondering if Trump is not playing 3D chess here. 

On to the lie - 

Open will be low enough to gap through the double dma area and possibly set the lower high. Either a longer narrow not very steep wedge or channel should appear. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Morning Charts 10/01/2020 SPX

Q goes off last night - it’s all so corrupt.

On to the lie - 

Well I thought that double dma resistance lower high was gonna be a thing. Wrong. Still got a shot at lower high. Apparently markets just go up, period. Any out there that still think they aren’t rigged are complete morons. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Morning Post 09/30/2020 SPX

The debate was annoying, and I learned nothing. HRC will never be prosecuted. 

On to the lie - 

Lower high at double dma resistance

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Friday, September 25, 2020

Morning Post 09/25/2020 SPX

We’ve discussed prepping for a decade. I hope you listened. You have somewhere between 3 months and 3 years to finish. 

Good vs evil 

On to the lie - 

Falling into that first support around 3200. 3150 would be a quick trip I’d guess. 3100 a bit more critical.

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Morning Post 09/24/2020 SPX

I rarely comment on the news anymore, because it’s all so fucked up. If Trump doesn’t win, love you guys, it was a great run, they’ll pick us all up for our decade of interaction here at STB. Good vs evil folks. We’ll have 4 years to clean this shit up cause there’s not another DJT out there. 

On to the lie -

3223 and 3200 support. 3100 is a bigger deal. 

More to come below. 
Have a good day. 
GL and GB!

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Morning Post 09/23/2020 SPX

Just waiting on the DeathOCrats to make their next America destroying move. This is nuts. If Trump were to lose .. wow. 

Good vs evil 

On to the lie - 

Chilling above 3300. 3200 is still ok. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Morning Post 09/22/2020 SPX

Just go see the headlines at ZH for the daily insanity. 

On to the lie - 

I can see a continuing drift but not a crash (well, a crash is deserved...but you know what I mean). 3200 is a big support point. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Monday, September 21, 2020

Morning Post 09/21/2020 SPX

Just go read the headlines at ZH, the world is broken.

Good vs evil 

On to the lie - 

Looks like our consolidation area has gone away. 3222 or the 100 dma will be your next stop  

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Friday, September 18, 2020

Morning Post 09/18/2020 SPX

There is no way they let Biden debate Trump on the 29th. They can’t. The election is gonna be a complete shit show cause the ass hats need to show their ass one last time. Lame duck Trump is gonna be something to see. 

Good vs evil 

On to the lie - 

20/50 dma. It’s starting to get really narrow though. Fed was accommodating. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Morning Post 09/17/2020 SPX

Harris/Biden scares the fuck out of me, cause I know I’ll have to do something drastic if they get power. If Trump wins and gets the House and that would be something. 

Good vs evil 

On to the lie - 

20/50 dma working like a charm as consolidation area narrows. 

More to come below. 
Have a good day. 
GL and GB!

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Morning Post 09/16/2020 SPX

Getting breezy here already. Sally as a depression may go right over my house! 

Harris/Biden lord help us all if they win. Secession will certainly become a hot topic again.  

Did you hear Trump say it’s gonna get much cooler talking about climate change? He gets it.  SO caught it. 

Can’t have a peace treaty in Middle East without someone lobbing missiles at Israel in celebration. 

On to the lie - 

Watch 20/50 dma  SPX gonna bump it’s head this morning. 

More to come below.

Have a good day.

GL and GB!

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Morning Post 09/15/2020 SPX

No mask protest day. Let’s hope the word got out. 

Q says justice is on the way. I say shit or get off the pot. 

Good vs evil 

On to the lie - 

Consolidation between the 20/50 dma. Watch that 50 support. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Monday, September 14, 2020

Morning Charts 09/14/2020 SPX

Um ..... that spook that shot the two cops needs to be removed from the planet. Along with many others. 

The NFL and NBA, all major sports figures are embarrassing. 

On to the lie - 

3220 SPX - that’s the support number I’m looking at. There is lots of natural support points now after the fall and rise. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Friday, September 11, 2020

Morning Post 09/11/2020 SPX


QMap constantly under attack, so here

Good vs evil . 

On to the lie -

60/600 point range consolidation between the daily 20/50 mas works for me. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Morning Post 09/10/2020 SPX

Tomorrow is 9/11

Good post -

Good vs evil

On to the lie - 

Looks to want to consolidate. Let’s hope so. Want a good tradable range with volatility. Liquidity still there, so machine still oiled. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Morning Post 09/09/2020 SPX

I wonder what my dad was truly thinking in the 60s?

This is a little different, but you got idiots doing stupid things. The indoctrination must stop. 

On to the lie - 

SPX 3330 and 3220ish and 3070 are important support areas. The the 50dma at 3305. All the 60m mas are DOA. They will be resistance now . 

.More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Morning Post 09/08/2020 SPX

Even if Trump is elected I’m not sure he can save the planet from the global shit show. Maybe. The planet is apparently starving for a strong leader to stand up to the insanity. My biggest fear is 2024. 

Good vs evil 

On to the lie - 

It wasn’t that long ago SPX was in a battle to regain 3k. Now 3210 support looks like a fading sunset in the rear view. Or is it a train?  Not sure. Going back to my old question - are they going to attack the market to try and take Trump out? 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Monday, September 7, 2020

Morning Post 09/07/2020 SPX

Happy Labor Day!

Pretty sure there is a joke about this holiday and all the woke socialist youth living in their parents basement, just can’t quite pull it out. 


Friday, September 4, 2020

Morning Post 09/04/2020 SPX

We get to watch some college football this weekend! 

Good vs evil 

On to the lie - 

Well, that was interesting. Why? Are they finally going to go after Trump with the markets? Who knows. If it gets worse I’ll throw out a target. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Morning Post 09/03/2020 SPX

I’m still numb to most everything right now. When that wears off or is given a cause to leave - look out. 

On to the lie - 

Stupidity? Greed? Corrupt? They’re gonna have to create a new word for what’s going on now in the markets. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Morning Post 09/02/2020 SPX

I didn’t like the movie Groundhog Day very much. I really hate waking up to this SSDD. We desperately need a lame duck Trump. 

On to the lie - 

I got nothing. Uh, ...... nope, nothin. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Morning Post 09/01/2020 SPX

If somehow Biden should get elected, holy crap what a shit show it would be. 

Lame duck Trump will be spectacular. I’m not sure what’s gonna happen, but it will be worth the ticket price. 

On to the lie -

The markets know Trump has won. Could like 10k SPX be a thing? 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Monday, August 31, 2020

Morning Post 08/31/2020 SPX

Running late, sorry. 

Not much to say. SSDD. 

On to the lie - 

Another record high! SMH 

More to come below.

Have a good day.

GL and GB! 

Friday, August 28, 2020

Morning Post 08/28/2020 SPX

We either elect Trump to fight for us or we will have to literally fight for ourselves, our lives. 

Good vs evil 

On to the lie - 

Trump or nothing. Right now it looks like a Trump win is being priced in. You would expect it to give back something before the election. Who knows. As long as the liquidity is there, it levitates.

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Morning Post 08/27/2020 SPX

ZH is lit again -

Hurricanes suck

NBA, even my beloved ATL United, walkouts are idiotic.

Report from UGA - all the kids are pissed and voting for Trump. 

On to the lie - 

Jackson Hole - remain patient and see what they give us    Right now it looks like a Trump victory and restore to order and greatness (until the DS screws that up again)  

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Morning Post 08/26/2020 SPX

 ZH is loaded for bear this morning.

RNC ooooizing Americana  

Good vs evil 

On to the lie - 

Jackson Hole. Ah, the good ol days when they’d lay out a QE on/off roadmap and make it so easy. They ought to just fly in the justice department and lock them all up. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Morning Post 08/25/2020 SPX

Well the GOP last night made it clear, and their case will only intensify and build, that we’re voting for either good or evil in November. 

On to the lie - 

Pretty sure the market is pricing in a Trump landslide victory. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Monday, August 24, 2020

Morning Post 08/24/2020 SPX

Most kids are done and over the Plandemic. Also many of the older generations that are not woke to such things are openly discussing what was once considered conspiracy. 

Seriously Good vs evil. Biblical is the war that’s waging. The shit show that’s gonna happen post election win or lose is gonna be something to see  

On to the lie - 

It is what it is. Ain’t changing anytime soon. 

More to come below 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Friday, August 21, 2020

Morning Charts 08/21/2020 SPX

Well, the weather is really nice right now. Other than that .... everything is a total shit show cause petulant libtards exist. A vaccine for liberalism is something I’d 100% get behind - and I’m an anti-vaxer. 

Evil showing it’s hand. What’s so astounding is how many are brainwashed. Total zombies. Complete idiots. 

On to the lie - 

The close yesterday was the type of spot I’d look for to consider taking a small short. We’re gonna have to poke around at these highs and test the waters. You have to if not for anything but to keep your sanity. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Morning Charts 08/20/2020 SPX

I calculated the China virus death rate in GA since no one seems to want to print it - .000469%

Good vs evil 

On to the lie -

It seems the market is pricing in a Trump victory. 

Really not much else to comment on. Follow the Fed. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Morning Charts 08/19/2020 SPX

Man there are some seriously stupid people in this country  

On to the lie - 

You do know there are people that believe all this is real? 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Morning Charts 08/18/2020 SPX

First full day of empty nest. Wonder if we own a new dog by the end of the week? LOL. I’m pretty sure our newish stray cat Sam will nix that. 

I got so little to say right now ... I’m really disturbed with the efforts from the radical left. There is only one way as Americans you deal with that - ya go teach em a lesson or two or how many it takes to get them in line. We need a new law that says you can get kicked out of the country and can’t come back. Round the fucks up and fly em to Taiwan, they don’t put up with whining little bitches. The devil is working his game with these weak, lost and ignorant people. 

Good vs evil 

On to the lie - 

When did I start calling it ‘the lie’? I’ll have to look.  It’s been many years. Denial still creeps in. Amazing.  Nothing is real. 

Monday, August 17, 2020

Morning Charts 08/17/2020 SPX

Travel day, still in Athens. Relatively easy move ins. Now that they’ve gotten our money and pretended they want the kids here - how ling till they shut this place down over ‘fears’? Also, if you are outside and alone and wearing a mask - that’s like wearing a huge sign saying please give it to me up the ass mr government man. 

On to the lie - 


More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Friday, August 14, 2020

Morning Charts 08/14/2020 SPX

Athens is a magical place, even though the democrat mayor is fucking things up. If we could only learn to vote properly. 

On to the lie - 

Sub 60m 20ma and a backtest, but ATH looms. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Morning Charts 08/13/2020 SPX

On the run. Moving LS1 into frat house at UGA today. Move LS2 into his dorm Sunday. Empty nest baby. 

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Morning Charts 08/12/2020 SPX

 Nuts. Just nuts. Completely nuts. 

On to the lie - 

SPX 20dma is at 3273  wake me up when/if it ever gets there  

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Morning Charts 08/11/220 SPX

The fact that markets cheer a vaccine is really messed up. If you don’t understand that, please leave. 

On to the lie - 

If Trump is re-elected there is a real chance he cures us of the deep state, the Fed and makes us so damn rich we end up owning the rest of the world. That’s, like, really possible. With the Fed gone and debt gone, sheesh. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day.  

GL and GB! 

Monday, August 10, 2020

Morning Charts 08/10/2020 SPX

 running like a rat this morning 

On to the lie - 

It is what it is. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Friday, August 7, 2020

Morning Charts 08/07/2020 SPX

 Couple of decent threads on Beirut

Good vs evil 

On to the lie - 

Watch all timeframe MAs to see which one picks up support. Lots to choose from. Wednesday left an island  

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Morning Charts 08/06/2020 SPX

Not much to report or say today. 

They want to stick you with a vaccine. They believe  this is going to happen. Mark of the beast? Good vs evil. 

On to the lie - 

Look at past runs at new ATHs. They don’t just do it. Takes some work. To come so close and fail?  LOL don’t think so. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Morning Charts 08/05/2020 SPX

George F video release proves another democrat narrative failure. Tucker is the only news show I watch anymore, cause he’s the closest we got to anything real. Ellison should be held accountable. If you live in MN -or any democrat stronghold - get out now.

Trump’s agenda may actually be coming together. If he’s elected and gets a majority the democrats are fucked. Keep your fingers crossed.    

On to the lie - 

It is what it is. Deal with it. Don’t try to fight it. Don’t think you can outthink it. Just chase momentum.  

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Morning Charts 08/04/2020 SPX

10 day countdown to empty nest. Pretty sure the China virus will screw that up somehow. 

As for the rest of the news, bunch of idiots trying to out crazy each other for the fake news. 

On to the lie - 

MSFT buying tic-toc - so the guy who’s leading the world vaccination charge in the name of eugenics is going to buy the most invasive software for our phones? Ok, sure. I’d say MSFT is the safest stock to own, cause it’s being shown that’s satan’s syringe into controlling us. Possibly the only stock that’ll survive Armageddon. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Monday, August 3, 2020

Morning Charts 08/03/2020 SPX

The lunacy continues. Like watching Looney Tunes in real life. I’m like literally waiting for Elmer Fudd to pop out from behind a tree. 

On to the lie -

Well, .... I got nothing. 

STB has had a few mantras over the years. Stick with them - 

Follow the Fed. 
Cash out some at highs and rotate all the way out of fiat into real tangible assets 
Guns and ammunition are good
Water filters and food

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Friday, July 31, 2020

Morning Charts 07/31/2020 SPX

Nothing to say up here this morning. 

On to the lie - 

Ok, watch to see if a lower high gets set. If so, then a descending triangle could be a happenin. This would get that 3200 support out of the way, but not target any significant move south. It’s something though. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Morning Charts 07/30/2020 SPX

Waiting on the next narrative. 

On to the lie - 


More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Morning Charts 07/29/2020 SPX

We’re trying desperately to maintain some sanity in this country. I believe we’ll be ok if we can corral the 5% that are total lunatics. I actually hold out hope, cause a majority of the people still get it. 

Good vs evil 

On to the lie - 

Fed and tech testimony. Lies and more lies. Why even bother with the dog and pony shows? Aren’t we at a point it’s blatantly obvious that everything is fake? Like, duh!

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!  

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Morning Charts 07/28/2020 SPX

It’s OK, Gates stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night and he’s now a Dr or something. Everyone is all good with that, except the markets. 

We’re about to get another narrative change. 

On to the lie - 

Consolidation is what in guessing, at least for this week. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Monday, July 27, 2020

Friday, July 24, 2020

Morning Charts 07/24/2020 SPX

ZH is loaded this morning with some good reads. 

Lots and lots of stories from the kids about fake test results. Like filled out paperwork but left cause wait was too long but their results came back positive anyway??? The kids were talking to (18-21) mostly woke, love discussing conspiracy, are conservative and say vast majority will vote for Trump. 

On to the lie - 

Watch SPX 20dma. Right now I’d guess a near term worst case would be 3100 at the 50 dma. If it breaks that it could get interesting. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Morning Charts 07/23/2020 SPX

Fuck your feelings. 

Got a problem with that? If so, see ya. 

Glad we got that out of the way. To the sane, normal, well adjusted - Carry on. Nice to have you here. Do as you please. 

Good vs evil 

On to the lie - 

When not if. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day 

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Morning Charts 07/22/2020 SPX

OK, so if Q was a conspiracy why would the Twitter arm of the Orwellian Ministry of Truth do this? Twitter bans 7,000 QAnon accounts, limits 150,000 others in broad crackdown

It’s time for Trump to move to Parler. Big Brother supposedly can’t touch us there. I’d start to look into a short move on Twitter. 

On to the lie - 

The Fed ..... 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Morning Charts 07/21/2020 SPX

I’m pretty sure the chances of the China virus actually killing someone are greater than the market being real. 

I’m going boating. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Monday, July 20, 2020

Friday, July 17, 2020

Morning Charts 07/17/2020 SPX

Really tired of the SSDD news cycles. Why couldn’t  God have given these ass hats some creativity or since of humor? Fascism is so damn boring. 

Headed to the land of corexit next week. 

On to the lie - 

Wasn’t I talking about a wide area of consolidation a week or so ago? Yup, we’re just waiting on something to break or ‘get broken’. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Morning Charts 07/16/2020 SPX

Love the commentary. Keep it up. We’re a good team. Have been for years. We deal in reality. 

Good vs evil. I hate to see it when it peaks. As Q says, this is more than another 4 year election. This one is for all the marbles.  Either the silent majority shows up and we remain a free constitutional republic or we become a part of the global socialist system. I’d prefer to vote my way out of this situation than fight. 

On to the lie -

Looking back at the China virus market tank, LOL it wasn’t shit. Sure, you can say percentage wise this or points that - it was a scratch and left a bruise, no bones broken.  Like good vs evil above, hate to see it when it decides to call out reality. 

Other than the fact nothing is real, the Fed is in total control, the real underlying conditions are rotten to the core and the current socioeconomic crash is epic - the charts look just fine right now. Actually, the last fall strengthened the overall technical situation ( at elevation). It created new points of reference that were missing. All that said, it’ll puke up a lung at some time. Till then just put the blinders on and keep clicking those red slippers Dorothy. Kansas is still there (for now). 

More to come below 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Morning Charts 07/15/2020 SPX

Meh the news today. 

On to the lie - 

And just when you think you got the market right where you want it, right where it can’t do anything else, a great setup - they bend you over. I wouldn’t get all hyped about anything large to the south these days till you see proof that the crime exists. If you get in line too early it usually doesn’t work out to well. Chase the momo. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Morning Charts 07/14/2020

What seems like ages ago, for some of the older people that ‘had a good time’, this day was similar to 4/20. Ah, the good ‘ol days. 

Biden unleashes his Solyndra 2.0 plan. Brilliant! 

Cali? Ya, depending on how this election goes, I’d have contingency plans on moving. 

On to the lie - 

Yesterday was technically interesting. It allowed a whole new wave of negative divergences to come into play. Let’s clarify that, since roughly 2010 under the new follow the Fed normal, neg divs have little impact. That said, they still exist and deserve to be recognized. 

Yet, nothing is real and the Fed is in total control, well ... you look but don’t touch. How do they move through resistance like this? Ya think they’re gonna pay for it? Nope. Watch for them to line up a slew of shorts to get slaughtered. It’s possible they march on like this resistance point doesn’t exist, but a little fear, get everyone thinking down and then stomp the gas. Are they that easy to read? Based on the last 10 years I like the odds of that scenario, but you never know. Underlying conditions are ... not so desirable. Then again old timers, how far back do you have to look to find when conditions were desirable? 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Monday, July 13, 2020

Morning Charts 07/13/2020 SPX

Futures jump on vaccine optimism -

Ok, let’s review this, Futures Jump on Vaccine Optimism. That’s some F’d up stuff. Vaccine? Vaccine? Yes, there is a virus, but .... wow. What a load of shit. ‘Futures Cheer Our Orwellian Demise’ is more like it. I ain’t bitching this morning. It’s Monday. What a shit show. 

I’ll keep this brief - today vaccines are not meant to ‘heal’ anything. There are special places in hell for those that develop and push these poisons on the people. 

On to the lie - 

All appears to be well for now. Lots of support points. Apparently it’s indestructible. Well .... it’s all fake, so ...

More to come below 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Friday, July 10, 2020

Morning Charts 07/10/2020 SPX

F this. We’re now in the twilight zone.

I thought bizzaro world was a temporary glitch. Nope. We’re fucked. Hey, if you’re here and over 50, it was a sweet damn ride. The only thing we didn’t have ... the young chicks today with overdeveloped bodies due to all the hormones in the food. I ain’t gonna complain. God was good to us. Thanks! 

On to the lie - 

Stealing from the above theme - Like the aftermarket improvements on the women we older folk have to deal with, the markets are a tad firm and fake as hell. Ya get one of the older models undressed and ya find it ain’t all it looked to be. Sculpting this and a tucked that, and that, and that.. ya get my point? ‘The Lie’ it’s all for show. Even the fiat that backs it is fake. 

So, invest in a younger model? LOL, that’s your call. I ain’t going there. Now you’re trying to cheat time. Hey! There is a pill for that as well. WTF. 

Bottom line, if you find something real outside of God, please let me know. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Morning Charts 07/09/2020 SPX

If you haven’t heard, you’re racist. Thought I’d remind you if you forgot. 

In other news, you’re racist. 

And in our final story this morning, you’re racist. 

You need to put on your mask and go virtue signal and then cancel something, anything. 

On to the lie - 

Not sure what to say that hasn’t been said. Hard being original or witty when follow the Fed in a rigged market based on fiat is the new normal. It was fun back in the day when the game was a bit more real. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Morning Charts 07/08/2020 SPX

How the Fk are we allowing this Orwellian nightmare to happen and letting the socialists have any skin in the game? We’re seriously gonna have to stand up to and eliminate this shit. 

It’s completely unnatural that I have to warn my children that one day everything they’ve put in social media, or written, edited, deleted not posted, every keystroke, everywhere they’ve been, everything they’ve purchased with their card can and will be held against them. That’s really fucked up. 

If someone ever tries to impose a social credit score on me (I’m writing this in full conscience knowing some assfuck in the future will push a button to turn off my money and water and power cause I wrote this) I’ll kill em. That shit is not God’s will, and I know He’ll forgive me for taking out anyone that tries to impose this sort of bullshit.  

On to the lie - 

All sorts of support lying around. Things sort of dormant right now. Won’t be for long I’d guess. Maybe that larger consolidation area I was talking about a few weeks back is gonna be the thing till the next FF?  

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Morning Charts 07/07/2020 SPX

No comment on the news. It all sucks. Every narrative is dying the slow death it deserves. As usual with most they backfire. All I hear is BS blah blah BS blah blah blah. 

On to the lie - 

When, not if it tanks again. IMO the when can be anytime between now and 2025. If Trump is not re-elected ‘the lie’ will be fully exposed I believe. There’s a good chance they tank it again going into the election, but that actually seems to be decreasing. I could be very wrong here. This depends on what the PTB has planned of course. 

As things sit now, technically there is a lot of support all over. They’ve made it harder to tank organically. We all know what it deserves. We all know it’s all about liquidity. Follow the Fed. 

I’ll reiterate a long standing STB mantra - sell a little at the highs. Get out of the fake market and fake fiat and buy real tangible assets. Use their system against them. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Monday, July 6, 2020

Morning Charts 07/06/2020 SPX

No statues of significance torn down. No false flags. I think Maxwell has not hung her self. Hmmmm, better than I expected coming off the 4th weekend. 

On to the lie - 

The good news is the open island gap above on SPX daily around 3150 got closed. Makes you wonder about the one still open at 2550. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Saturday, July 4, 2020

4th of July 2020


Trump’s speech last night was pretty damn good if you missed it or haven’t heard it. Murcia! 

God bless the USA! 

Friday, July 3, 2020

Morning Charts 07/03/2020 SPX


Y’all throw down this weekend. If somehow Trump should lose, 4ths from now on won’t ever be the same. Freedom should be respected and honored. 

On to the lie - 

It’s wait and see mode. The possibility of a False Flag this weekend, something we’ve speculated about for years now, is higher than ever.  

More to come below. 

Have a great 4th! 

GL and GB! 

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Morning Charts 07/02/2020 SPX

Who’s ready to get lit this weekend? 🖐🏼🖐🏼🖐🏼🖐🏼

We need to vote liberalism out of existence.  That’s the only way, legally. That or we have a purge, which is what the dip sticks appear to be asking for. America needs its big ol swinging nut sack back. We got it, but it’s like that family reunion where pretty much everyone is normal within reason, but that one oddity that the DNA gods weren’t that kind to. Can we selectively remove the undesirables? Holy fuck! I’m starting to sound like Gates or Hitler.  I guess if it’s war, ya do what’s necessary. We do have those re-education camps all over, let’s start there and not get carried away. 

As long as Trump is alive and in office, there is real potential. He’s pumping testosterone in massive quantities back into millions of Americans. Ofuckface’s mission to sissify our nation is being reversed. We’ll find out in November whether good or evil wins. 

We still got a long way to go. Removing satanic deep state control of the government and msm is priority number one. There is hope under the right leadership and only we can put them there. Yes, I still believe in the system but more importantly the people of America. We produce some good souls and minds. Get the right ones in place and we can win this. It can happen, so I hold out and you should too. 

On to the lie - 

Technically it’s not great but it’s not a nightmare either. Now as for everything underneath... don’t ask. On the face though, the great lie is getting over the China virus just like the nation, just fine. Waiting on Gates to unleash round two, cause he’s gonna get  his vaccines into us one way or another. False flags and unrest will be prevalent till the election which means the markets will remain precariously perched. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Morning Charts 07/01/2020


On to the lie - 

Monthly candle close was a positive. They turned that frown upside down. Not the best scenario, but better than what was. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day 

GL and GB! 

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Morning Charts 06/30/2020 SPX

Q has been ramping it up lately. Whether you put any faith or credit into Q or the movement or not, the counter movement has ignited a base that only wants this country to succeed via its founding principles. Psyop? IDGAF if it is or isn’t. Technically it is to those that need the proper conditioning, that need to be red pilled. If it means keeping God and country first, count me in. 

If you don’t follow the Q movement you should. I’m not asking you to believe in anything other than a patriotic stance. For all that matters, everything we’ve discussed here over the past 10 years, all the ‘conspiracies’, is what Q tries to put into the open for all to see. This is done so they and the evil behind it will be exposed and brought down. Bookmark this and check it daily for posts please.

We discuss and I say ‘Good vs evil’ most every day. Yesterday Q posted Carlo Maria’s letter to Trump. You should take the time to read it if you have not. There are good Catholics that maintain proper faith outside the Vatican. 

And see this drop from last night - United Against The Invisible Enemy 

Q also points out the return of the China virus, why and how -

As Q often says this is not just another 4 year election. This is for all the marbles. If we lose this one, we lose everything. Evil wins. 

On to the lie - 

You know now why I call it the lie. It is. The great distraction. Money, the necessary evil. They’ll use the markets against Trump. They’ll destroy everything to take him down. If that’s so, then he must represent something they’re not. Let’s see where they close this monthly candle. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Monday, June 29, 2020

Morning Charts 06/29/2020 SPX

America has fleas. The source of the fleas is the deep state. It’s really hard to believe that there could be a rich ass cabal that hates this country so much. This self righteous cabal will do anything to enact their agenda, their belief system, on millions. Controlling media, government, medicine and all the major industries they are creating a small army of indignant, self absorbed, entitled fleas that carry many diseases. The fleas mindlessly attack religion, freedom, personal rights all the while destroying their own host system. This parasitic relationship works great when there are multiple hosts, but there is only one America. We must protect her at all cost.  

The China virus bull shit has to end. Sure, there is a manufactured virus that’s been released. It targets the elderly and incapacitated, the biggest burdens on the medical and welfare system. Really? Those that are old and can’t produce that use resources are targeted? Ya don’t say. Well, it’s here, for a while at least. 

We’ve been under attack for a long time, it just took a non politician president like Trump to expose them and cause them to escalate their plans. We’re at war. Good vs evil. Prepare accordingly and be ready to stand and fight. 

On to the lie - 

Bout to end our 5th month of this shit. If the DOW can close above 25k that would be good. It will potentially be a big ass shooting star bearish reversal candle, but that is up for debate. If they can close it above 25,800 that would be better. We all know they markets are rigged, but we’ve got to play this BS game anyway. Whatever they want will happen. Will they use the markets as their final push to remove Trump? Are they trying to remove him without destroying all their wealth in the process? Lots of questions and possibilities. We may get some clues as to where this monthly candle ends. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Friday, June 26, 2020

Morning Charts 06/26/2020 SPX

Q has been on a roll. Give it a scroll to see what the conspiracy group has been promoting. Love, peace, togetherness, restoration of our country, persecution of the wicked - They even back our President. I mean they must be some terrible people.

Good vs evil 

It’s getting biblical. If not that, Gods gonna send us through an Orwellian nightmare first. 

On to the lie - 

She’s still got support. Powell is ‘giving it all she’s got Sir!” 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Morning Charts 06/25/2020 SPX

What a battle. 

Good vs evil. 

On to the lie -

DOW gets below 24,850 and things could get spicy. That number is the spot where the 50 and 100 dma sit and last point of ma support for price. Price stopped at the last natural support point in this area yesterday. We’ll see if my consolidation theory was right soon. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Morning Charts 06/24/2020 SPX

Censorship - but he’s still alive and kicking on Parler! I do suggest you download and join. They even have a dislike button! 

Fing AOC beat MCC. No fucking way. Yup. People like my brother live in Brooklyn. They all have hopeless cases of TDS. They’re lost forever. If that’s not a wake up call to the red team and the country, I don’t know what is. 

#BubbaSmollett is being allowed to trend on Twitter. 

On to the lie - 

Rangeboundness (one word!) continues. It’s a tighter range than anticipated. Pretty much dominating the middle of a wider zone. Until the next FF of course. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Morning Charts 06/23/2020 SPX

Ain’t nothin that a beer cain’t fix. Wish that were true. 

Things seem to be working themselves out right now. That is at least at the moment. Another ‘Wait for it’ ... or ‘hold my beer’ situation from the deep state is bound to happen soon enough. 

The msm will continue to scare the sheep as the Orwellian nightmare drags on. Our resilience has been remarkable. What was a Christian deterioration is reviving. I believe we’re actually gelling, strengthening. Thanks to the Fed’s printing press, in reality making things worse, we’re still above water. There’s reason for hope. It’s a matter of who wins the war. 

On to the lie - 

Range bound as predicted, but may test the top of that this morning. Watch 60m SPX ma’s. If/when they crash it there will be 8 support points. There will be more natural support with the previous falls presence. Unless the deep state does something really stupid, there’s a way outside chance the next big one doesn’t happen till 2022 or 2023. That is contingent on Trump winning. If he should lose, we’re all doomed. It will be hell on earth. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Monday, June 22, 2020

Morning Charts 06/22/2020 SPX

Welcome to summer! Not sure what all got sacrificed during the solstice eclipse this past weekend, but I do know those sick fks need to be eliminated. Truly astounding, the bad element. Another round of Salem witch trials anyone? 

Good vs evil 

We’re at war. Do your part to red pill as many as possible. MSM is doing the devils work. 

On to the lie - 

Range bound. Watch the 60m mas on SPX. They will tell you when things are going to get extreme. 

They will attack the markets before the election. They will probably unleash the Cracken as well. Everything they’ve done has failed so far. Let’s keep it that way. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Friday, June 19, 2020

Morning Charts 06/19/2020 SPX

I’m tired of the news and narratives. 

Trump rally... could’ve epic in many ways. 

Good vs evil 

On to the lie - 

It is what it is. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Morning Charts 06/18/2020 SPX

Blue flu. What a beautiful thing for someone to finally stand up to the insanity. Holy friggin shit. Could you imagine if Abrams was Governor of ga? I’d be flat out hauling ass out of this state last night. 

Wanna bet they try and turn the Trump rally into a massive war? Could be an interesting weekend. 

About November 5th Trump puts an end to all this shit. 

On to the lie - 

Do you believe what you see? 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Morning Charts 06/17/2020 SPX

The Orwellian cancel culture marches on. Our long time friend (we both started with a few others at relatively the same time and they’ve been kind enough to have me on their blog roll literally forever) has taken a large shot over the bow. It’s to be expected. Anyone that camps over the target and throws shade or shines the light where it shouldn’t - a ZH specialty - must be reprimanded.

I had to go back and sanitize the below. It was longer and better.  Sorry if it’s gibberish. 

STB has had its issues with censorship over the years. Too many to list actually. Most notably to you our friend RC being removed from disqus (they had me in the penalty box at the same time). There were worse, like that massive hole in the blog roll where they deplatformed me. I’m still on the radar. Don’t give a shit. We have rights and apparently we’re gonna have to use the appropriate ones to be able to use others. Some twitter or google libtard censor is gonna get their ass beat, deservedly so, and the country will cheer. 

We’re sick of the power hungry ‘tolerant left’ cancel culture. Fuck them and the fascist dildo they rode in on. It must suck to be so miserable. To live with so much hate. To be so deranged. To have zero concept of reality. To make things up as you go to fit your narrative. To be so fucking righteous. Fuck you! 

They’re so ‘smart’ they don’t even realize they’re slaves to the devil. Maybe they want to be. Probably, sick fucks. Who knows? They’re serving his system of destruction and division. Meh, that’s par for the course these days. God’s plan. Deal with it. He put us here for a reason, to prove our worth. 

The dumb fucks don’t realize that if they win they won’t be protected then. They’ll be in internment camps with the rest of us. Good luck there. Soyboy meet bubba.  Ain’t gonna end well for mr. Snowflake. Q says they won’t be able to walk the streets once they’re exposed. I believe it. 

There is no cure for TDS. None. I deal with my brother. I know. I’m not going into the libtard brain this morning.  That’s something none of us need to be exposed to before lunch. What a disgusting, wretched, pitiful place that must be. Their bubble. There is a special place in hell for all of them. The righteous LMFAO. 

The end of free speech is coming soon. Smoke em if you got em as we say down here. It’s been a great ride. We’ll keep swinging for truth, freedom and America as long as we can. 

On to the lie - 

Speaking of special reservations in hell - the Fed controls all. Don’t forget it. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Morning Charts 06/16/2020 SPX

ZH is about as screwed up as I’ve ever seen it. The headlines are like reading Orwell with a dash of old south and a heavy pinch of liberal lunacy.

So, after all these years of covering and discussing various “conspiracy theories” ya think we were on the right track? I do. It’s sad. People suck. 

Q says, and he’s right, this is more than election for the next 4 years. We’re extremely fortunate the Hildabeast didn’t get elected or we’d be far worse than we are now. Trump threw a serious wrench in their 16 year plan to destroy this great nation.  Now the deep state is having to do it on their own. 

I believe the people will vote accordingly and remove the democrats from power. If so, and Trump gets both houses, the war escalates as his long needed sweeping reforms as a lame duck will only further enrage the globalists. The deep state will stop at nothing to destroy this country. He must remove them, and he’s gonna try. Of course we’ll have a RINO problem next. 

Good vs evil. Dark to light. It’s actually getting biblical. 

On to the lie - 

It’s gonna be right to be short again at some time I believe. I don’t fear the second China virus wave. HCQ and zinc wipe it out. That’s a fact (that does not jive with the DS plan to vaccinate us all and chip us and heard us like sheep). It kills people, but not that many a nation has to be destroyed which will kill far more. 

The Fed is in control. I don’t see how Trump can possibly control the Fed as far as the end game goes. For now, they appear to be wanting to work with the good team. You know nothing is real, and you can’t count on that. You must be ready for anything. 

Watch the MAs on various time frames to find what’s working. It looks like we’re about to settle into a wide consolidation area. That’s my best guess on how things look.  Upside at this point has to be limited. The abyss remains below as it always has. Slippery slope. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Monday, June 15, 2020

Morning Charts 06/15/2020 SPX

Don’t give a fuck. That’s the attitude we’re going to be forced to exhibit versus the radical left. Damn the PC BS. We can’t stoop to their levels. We must remain calm. Tempered response for now. They’re destroying themselves and their base. 

Covid doesn’t bother me. (If you’re incapacitated or over 65, then apparently it should bother you.) The social disorder is the problem, riots and the looting. You should get prepped up just in case. Extra food is going to be the big deal. Well, that and ammo. If water and power become an issue, you’re fucked. 

The more people I talk to get it, and they say the people they talk to get it (I’m talking minorities). Trump keeps touting the silent majority. We’re growing. We just have to make sure our good side is always presented (not implying we have a bad side - like, what’s that? LOL) 

China virus resurgence? It’s a flu. Get over it. We got it backwards last time. Old folks stay home. Everyone else, carry on. 

On to the lie - 

Sub 24,300 and then 23k Dow is when you get very concerned again. The 60m 200ma on the majors are about to be history leaving us with only the longer term ma’s for guidance.  Dow monthly 50ma at 23,600 is a great bogey to watch for more doom, cause that’s the standard worst case support point. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Friday, June 12, 2020

Morning Charts 06/12/2020 SPX

I think we’ve somehow slipped into the Bugs Bunny separate dimension, or the old time Saturday morning cartoons are being brought live into ours. 

The deep state democrats need distractions

It’s war. 

Good vs evil. 

On to the lie - 

I still think it’s a bit early for them to take out the markets to get Trump. Warning shot? Actual deserved dip? I’m pretty sure Zero market movements happen without their consent. I mean the world is going to shit cause the DS is in full attack mode, so .....

Watch the moving averages across all time frames and the organic or real support points created before the crash. We got a lot of that to get through before being afraid of a SHTF scenario. Remember what they use for fuel when they’re running short on cash? Ya, shorts. Line em up and mow em down. Nothing is real, don’t forget that. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Morning Charts 06/11/2020 SPX

So Q tweets about the second wave of the China Virus (or another “external/exogenous event out of their control” like the one STB called a decade ago) to take down the markets, and poof fear of such an event rips em south overnight. Posted yesterday about the DS pissed at the Fed for helping Trump with the markets. 
The DS has failed with every attempt thus far. 

They need to ramp it up. They will. Get ready. You may be living in the next progressive communist paradise and not even know it. What ya think, let’s give them the state’s if WA and OR and let all the freaks move there. It will be fine, they’ll last maybe two years before they starve or kill each other, then we can take the states back and be rid of the problem. 

On to the lie - 

It deserves to fall. Nothing has to happen. It’ll happen on their time. They control all. When will it hurt Trump the worst? Nothing is real. Good vs evil. Dark to light. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Morning Charts 06/10/2020 SPX

I sure hope this strategy of letting the radical left show the nation how truly awful they are works come November. I’m sure as hell getting tired of it.

I do believe we get another pandemic or FF of some sort. Whether it be the China virus again or something worse. They can’t let us vote at the polls in November. They may even try to JFK Trump. I do see some good reasons to be pretty bothered.

I ride around and cuss at things privately in my car these days. Usually responding to someone the radio that’s triggered me. I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but the idiocy and irrational shit going down today is unacceptable.

On to the lie -

There is actual organic resistance at 3210 SPX.

More to come below.

Have a good day.

GL and GB!

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Morning Charts 06/09/2020 SPX

Again, not much to say.

The attacks will continue and probably worsen.

The radical left high hacking corona and the black protests will only worsen the situations and cheapen any positive outcomes. There is good probability, only with Trump leading IMO, that the economy and the nation return to glory. However, I’d say we have the same chance at total destruction under democrat leadership.

On to the lie -

Looks like a little pullback this morning. Could it possibly be more than a little? The start of something bigger? Technically it should. There was a place to buy that was rational. Then it got stupid again. Like above, we got a 50/50 shot at this. If the Dems steal the election the markets will puke up both lungs. Right now it appears everyone is betting on Trump.

More to come below.

Have a good day.

GL and GB!

Monday, June 8, 2020

Morning Charts 06/08/2020 SPX

Not much to say this morning. Kinda disappointed with a lot. I guess you gotta let these things burn out and allow logic and reason to take back control. Unless you live in a democratic controlled area of course. Let them show their true colors. Let them expos themselves. Then in November, our final hope, we vote accordingly in large enough numbers it can’t be rigged to take our country back (for a while at least). If not, you better prepare for war or to move to a sane area of the country with conservative values. Let’s see if the sheep woke up enough. Pretty sure that’s what Trump is relying on.

On to the lie -

Ah, the lie. So, I’m guessing the markets have front run the recovery? What’s the story behind this fantastic move again? Enlighten me. They can’t get a coup, a pandemic or country wide rioting to take it down? And some wonder why I don’t post charts anymore? I still do em, not like I used to. Technicals still sort of work on a short term basis, but they really died I’d say around 2010 when the Fed with QE2 got their grove on. As I’ve always said I do believe they can’t outrun technicals though. I believe in the end the big charts will call THE top 2022 or 23 I’m guessing. If not, reality is dead.

Most interesting is this debt forgiveness. Someone, 😉, back when he was doing his Shankstrodamus calls, mentioned the possibility of massive debt cancellation. Now this is only a suspension, but an interesting move. Can’t get blood out of a turnip. It only makes sense. You’re so poor and in debt that there can be no growth, and I’m as rich as I can get. Game over. Wait a minute. What if my rich ass just cancels your debt, so we can do this all over again!?!?

More to come below.

Have a good day.

GL and GB!

Friday, June 5, 2020

Morning Charts 06/05/2020 SPX

Gonna be an interesting weekend. War in DC? Will they go after the WH?

Sad to see all this spurred on in democratic controlled states and cities. Almost like it’s a coordinated event. Hmmmm... not sure how Trump maneuvers out of this one. Force will be necessary. So difficult when the msm has brainwashed millions of uneducated, single parent, drug using, underprivileged poor people. Everything was working for them. All the statistics were working for them. They were being lifted, they felt it, but the Dems and the deep state were losing. The DS and Dems are on their last breath. We just have to make it to the election. There is no way the people will re-elect the dem leaders that promoted this. If they do, those states will die a quick death as people migrate away.

Q - if you don’t believe or doubt, I still highly suggest you at least read and see what this team is promoting. I do like what Q says - we have to see the violence and failure of the democrats for ourselves, they are on display, the msm can’t hide this, and then we can vote out the oppressors.

On to the lie -

Futures up. Markets predicting none of this matters. It’s all rigged. At this point half the country could get nuked, and they’d gap up open. Who the hell knows?  Tons of support. Not sure I’d be swinging anything long this weekend.

More to come below.

Have a good day.

GL and GB!

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Morning Charts 06/04/2020 SPX

It’s kinda cool to talk about the sheeple and the msm and operation mockingbird ...... until you are made aware of how many stupid ignorant fucks there are out there. Damn the C_a has done a tremendous job. We joke about fake news, Trump blasts on it every day, now we can see why he is so obsessed with it. It’s THE enemy of the people.

Education system, single parent homes, poverty - swirl that all in with the fake news msm pushing a narrative to destroy the country and you get where we are now.

The stats speak loudly.

Tucker must have some huge nuts to have spoken the facts/stats last night on the news.

Clay Travis did it in his sports show -

It at least appears Trump is going after the deep state.

I honestly think we got a chance to win this war. It’s far from over. It’s gonna get worse. We’re waking up more and more people every day. That’s the key.

On to the lie -

How many years have I referred to the markets as ‘the lie’? We’re closing in on a decade I believe.

Follow the Fed. Patterns working better than unreliable indicators. Historical anything is mostly junk now.

If they want to get Trump they have to take out the markets I believe. This is my best guess. So, I’m waiting for it. Before or after he wins. They must destroy America.

Maybe they’re gonna get rich and destroy the country at the same time? Defining rich using fiat is a oxymoron. Nothing is real. Take the red pill.

More to come below.

Have a good day.

GL and GB!

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Morning Charts 06/03/2020 SPX

The DS and demonrats are losing this one as well. There will be another and another, all to take down Trump. Ya gotta ask at some point, why are they so afraid of that one man? What’s he got that they are terrified of?

Maybe the Great Awakening?

Maybe the cycle of great nations is about to be broken, and America is being rebirthed? Cool thought. Long way to go to get there considering what we’re battling against and prophecy. If this isn’t end times, and we don’t bow down to evil, I think we got a chance here. What does He want is the question? It’s His plan and His timetable. Maybe we have another chance at glory here on earth? I wouldn’t stop prepping or arming yourself. The war is young.

On to the lie -

What pandemic? What protest/riots?

Follow the Fed. Maybe the deep state knows they’re gonna lose the war to Trump and are like ‘why lose and be poor at the same time’?

More to come below.

Have a good day.

GL and GB!