On to the lie -
I tweeted this last night - https://twitter.com/neverherorhim/status/1159258535533928450?s=21
Here we go again? “ Chicago Fed President Evans comments suggesting more easing and QE4EVA prompted some PPT-sponsored panic-bids in US equities.” #Rigged
QE4EVA? PPT? Permanent backstop? Holy crap these markets are so rigged. The main thing to take here is LIQUIDITY. As Soup and I discussed maybe 6 years ago, when they stop or can’t provide liquidity it’s game over.
And we’re back to discussing asset confiscation - except this time before the crisis and not after. If y’all remember the good ol days when the Greek banks seized everything - ya, we’re entering that twilight zone again already. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-08-07/will-they-take-all-your-money I’m pretty sure if your advisor discussed these laws with you compliance would have him/her fired on the spot.
Looking at the DOW - sitting at round number smack dab in the middle of a 1k consolidation area. They now have a 500 point buffer in either direction to toy/antagonize with. Enjoy!
More to come below.
Have a good day.
GL and GB!