Monday, October 19, 2015

Morning Charts 10/19/2015 SPX /es

Sorry, with the markets I'm somewhat confused. Does bad=good or good=good or good=bad? I think it's just whatever the Fed deems for the day is really all that matters. Earnings season rolls along and the persistent rumors or hopes of moar QE continue to flow.

On to the lie - 

SPX 15m -  Triple overthrow, multiple negative divergences, various resistance points in play - the wedge I suspected would come did come and it may now have played out. As you can see there is more room for upside, but it can be technically completed at this point. Post OPEX has not been good in the past several months. She may not go down today, but there is not much time left before the next correction.

Freedom watch - 

If she gets elected we can mail it in - Clinton Considers Mandatory Gun "Buy-Backs" - Ignites Confiscation Concerns and this vid

So sad we've come to this - Washington Persecutes America’s Greatest Patriots
LoooooL - Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Canadian Election

More to come below. 

Have a good week. 

GL and GB!

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