Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Morning Charts 07/24/2018 SPX

TDS has a cure! Sadly when taking down the deep state and their msm brainwashed minions some severe pain may be involved. The completely deranged left will lose, and the party of ‘love and togetherness’ will be proven to be the fascist socialist group they really are when the riots start. HRC and Obummer are guiltily as sin attempting the soft coup. Trump is slowly but surely fixing what ails us. Vote appropriately this November.

On to the lie -

China was a huge problem, then they QE and all is suddenly well. LMAO.

Downside risk remains, huge downside risk. Spoke with a bond trader Saturday and was pleased to hear him agree with the STB thought process. POTUS keeps this mega risk at bay. Minor or normal fluctuations are expected.

I’ll be boring for a few months expecting consolidation till midterms. If republicans take control upside continues. If not, the chances of a real storm grow.

More to come below.

Have a good day.

GL and GB!

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