Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Morning Post 02/18/2025 SPX

Good morning STB!

While Harris would have ensured a DS kill shot to the US, I’m not sure we’re out of the woods quite yet. The next group that wants control will be the technocrats. Transhumanists. The good news is they believe in freedom and don’t want to enslave us. The bad news is they all want to be like a god, merging man and machine to become super human. Apparently AI’s development will not be stopped. Machines are getting smarter by the second. AGI is here pretty much, and ASI will not be too far away. We’re crossing the threshold to a new existence. Astrologically the age of Aquarius has arrived. Buckle up buttercup.

On to the lie - 

Minis up 20. Cash could print a new ATH today. We gotta reset, so just know it’s coming. Charts only work going south now. 

The chart book will return along with the new blog (got legalese to deal with there still). I’m actually going to attempt real research and content as it parallels our changing investment strategy. Might as well write about what I’ll be studying or buying. Can I outsmart the big boys? Note: the blog will not change much. Aiming for a ZH look. Morning post will be the same. Additional posts as they develop. New charting tech will be employed along with SC. STB is a love and hobby, not a job. I don’t want it to become a job. I will not disrupt what we have. I’m not looking to grow or become some sort of influencer, but I will be linking posts to X.

Disqus still has me locked out  

Have a good day.

GL and GB!