Monday, February 3, 2025

Morning Post 02/03/2025 SPX

Good morning STB! 

Is your head spinning yet? This time Trump knows the system. He lived it for 4 years and then had another 4 to study it. Now he’s dismantling it. What they feared he’d do the first time, he actually knows how to do his second time around. He’s not wasting any time either. Finding waste and cleaning up inefficiency and corruption is great. I hope justice is served after everything settles. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis massive gap down to 6k support. Off roughly 90 points. Tariffs are something aren’t they? The man wants to STRENGTHEN and protect the dollar and not destroy it. My how things are changing. It’s obvious huge change is happening. Massive disruption will occur. Out of this reset it’s possible our middle class will be restored and debt eliminated. Markets will drastically reset as well. The dice have been thrown. Let’s not crap out this time. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!