Friday, February 7, 2025

Morning Post 02/07/2025 SPX

Good morning STB! 

Gateway Pundit is chocked full of glorious, concise posts detailing the mayhem in DC. Trump, just like his warfare tactics, dropping precision strikes (except civilian damage will occur - but they’re not terminal). Absolute (necessary) radical change occurring in our government. Boys are boys and girls are girls. America is America! 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis flat. Real data about to be released instead of BLS BS. STB concerned about the economy, especially employment and inflation. As for the markets, it’s all about liquidity. Globally I believe tactical financial changes are coming that will be implemented to actually help rather than destroy the people. The DS is dying. Patience required. External (exogenous - as RC would correct) events are coming. Being prepared for the worst is always a good idea. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!