Good morning STB!
Four years ago at this time I was collecting email addresses from y’all just in case. The jury is still out on if we’ll have to go that route, but I’m a bit more confident we can rest easy for the next four years. We can’t stop being diligent in spreading vetted truth and patriotic virtue here or in our circles. Time to rid ourselves of the virtue signaling mindset is now. Just like the vocal peace we found when after Oshithead left, we’ve been freed again. Don’t waste it.
Good v evil
On to the lie -
Minis up 20. Won’t be long till I put on my bear hat and start calling some lower numbers. The feel good low hanging fruit will run out for Trump soon. The shithole that is our economy is about to bubble over again. I can’t think of of any sectors that won’t crash except tech. Those sitting on cash will have glorious 2009 type investment opportunities again in a few years.
Have a good day.
GL and GB!