Happy Valentines Day STB! I hope you and your better half have a great day!
At least the lawfare is a fair fight now. It also makes it easy to see who’s for us and against us. This hopefully stands out in the midterms and will allow the right to increase its power base. Of course there is an inherent danger in either side having too much power. The pendulum does need to swing tho.
Good v evil
On to the lie -
Minis flat. Fear mongering is growing around potential market and economic demise. Recession or depression? The last administration did try to destroy the country. A lot to fix while a technological revolution is occurring via AI. Jobs or available work will be a real issue (See Grok replacing government workers —- which has massive future implications as AI is first introduced to government control). Holding on to cash is going to be important. Gold is exploding for a reason. STB best trade, growing your own food, being able to be self sufficient important. I’d start hoarding cash and turning that into barterable assets. Guns are a good idea as well. FDIC limits at institutions should be observed. I remain calm about the coming collapse for now. A 50% haircut from here gets us to my favorite number. 75% gets us to the ultimate support 1600. Shits gonna get real.
Have a good weekend.
GL and GB!