Friday, February 28, 2025

Morning Post 02/28/2025 SPX

Good morning STB! 

It’s a good day to go shopping! The crazies will all be at home. 

Mass confusion and distraction as Trump attempts to dismantle the DS. It won’t be easy and will take time. He’s off to a good start. Chaos will erupt if the Epstein list is released. Pedos and criminals must be punished. Cartels must be dismantled. Sadly the EU is lost until their people revolt. Watching for Third Temple action. AI is advancing incredibly fast now. ASI, or something resembling it,is very close. Keep your arms and hands inside the ride at all times. This ride is gonna get wild. 

On to the lie - 

Minis up 15. Almost tested the bottom of my consolidation area yesterday. Will support hold? Market sentiment is in the extreme fear zone. Seems like market sentiment is finally catching up to STB. The economy is toast. Even China is doing a bank bailout. Banks are buying bonds. All the while retail is being set up to hold the bag. The reset is coming. STB best trade anyone? 

Have a good weekend. 

GL and GB!

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Morning Post 02/27/2025 SPX

Good morning STB! 

So much news. Disgusting news. The good news is the tables have turned, and good is fighting back. All part of the reset. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis up 35 slightly over 6000 resistance. Price sitting smack dab in the middle of my large 400 point consolidation area. They’ll keep it there as long as they have retail to unload to. Someone has to hold the bag. 

Have a good day.

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Morning Post 02/26/2025 SPX

Good morning STB!

Not sure what we’re being distracted from, but we’re being led down a few paths that aren’t in the right direction.

Good v evil

On to the lie - 

Minis up 30 at 6000 resistance. A lower low was set yesterday which can’t be dismissed. Pretty sure FOMO is a thing of the past. I believe deflation is coming, a massive reset - one that is long overdue. Lots of positive things, but the economic destruction left by puppet Pedo Joe will require major repairs. Remember,they were literally trying to destroy the country. The old ways are gone. New systems and a new economy will have to be developed. We’re about to undergo a major transformation.

Have a good day.

GL and GB! 

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Morning Post 02/25/2025 SPX

Good morning STB! 

Pretty obvious isn’t it?

Good v evil

On to the lie -

Minis up 10. 6000 support tested. Support on the 100’s if she descends. Bitcoin getting thrashed (probably cause of the hack - and it’s a generally bad investment). Buffet record cash. WMT bad projections. Debt. Inflation. Any sort of real estate. Corrupt government. The list is long. Pain coming. Cash at bottom good. STB best trade not a bad idea. 

Have a good day.

GL and GB!

Monday, February 24, 2025

Morning Post 02/24/2034 SPX

Good morning STB!

Finally a calm point after the initial Trump power surge? Not really, but it may feel like it. Pretty much all his pieces are in place. Now they plan their assault on the DS and its perps in the system. I’m really not sure what defense they can mount as patriots are in control at the top. The man has had 4 years to plan this and won’t be making the same mistakes as last time. The left legacy power base will be dismantled.

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis up 30 after Friday's pull back off ATH resistance. SPX 6000 round number support held. This point is the mid range of a larger 400 point consolidation area down to 5800. If price gets under 6000, then we can begin to consider downside targets. I’d anticipate initially an orderly retreat if it happens as support has been built in unlike in previous ramp jobs. STB remains patient for now. Buffet isn’t sitting on record cash because he’s bullish. Retail buying is the only oxygen left. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Friday, February 21, 2025

Morning Post 02/21/2025 SPX

Good morning STB! 

A new “pope”? Papal prophecy, if correct - to my understanding, says the current one wasn’t on the list. Is there a “Trump” in the offering of potential candidates? Possibly, but only a true act of God would put him in power. Tu, this is your wheelhouse. Feel free to enlighten us below. Vigano would be the one I’d want. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis flat near the top of my large 400 point consolidation area. Retail keeps buying desperately seeking growth. Pigs get slaughtered. Who’s gonna tell em? 

Have a good weekend.

GL and GB! 

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Morning Post 02/20/2025 SPX

Good morning STB!

The days on this rock hurtling through space just keep getting…better? The leap to cure the status quo terminal illness that is corruption will possibly take us closer to death faster than the disease itself. Curing America (if that’s possible) will have drastic effects on all the organs/countries on the planet. Surgery will take a minute, and we’ve only just begun. God please be with the surgeons. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis off 20. Walmart saying the quiet part out loud. MA and others now worrying about deflation. Seems pretty obvious to me. Stagflation was holding on to what we got. Someone a while back spoke of deflation and external events. It took 14 years to get here. Who’d a thunk it? We’ve taken the fork in the road. There’s no turning back. A new journey has begun. The first few miles on this road are gonna be very bumpy.

Have a good day.

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Morning Post 02/19/2025 SPX

Good morning STB!

The Europeans need to stand up now or risk becoming indentured servants of the deep state. Maybe it’s in their blood to be such? Our founding fathers knew better to keep us armed. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis off a bit. The sell off is coming. Apparently retail is the only sector left buying. How kind of all those fiduciaries encouraging everyone to pile in driving FOMO. Got gold?

Have a good day.

GL and GB!

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Morning Post 02/18/2025 SPX

Good morning STB!

While Harris would have ensured a DS kill shot to the US, I’m not sure we’re out of the woods quite yet. The next group that wants control will be the technocrats. Transhumanists. The good news is they believe in freedom and don’t want to enslave us. The bad news is they all want to be like a god, merging man and machine to become super human. Apparently AI’s development will not be stopped. Machines are getting smarter by the second. AGI is here pretty much, and ASI will not be too far away. We’re crossing the threshold to a new existence. Astrologically the age of Aquarius has arrived. Buckle up buttercup.

On to the lie - 

Minis up 20. Cash could print a new ATH today. We gotta reset, so just know it’s coming. Charts only work going south now. 

The chart book will return along with the new blog (got legalese to deal with there still). I’m actually going to attempt real research and content as it parallels our changing investment strategy. Might as well write about what I’ll be studying or buying. Can I outsmart the big boys? Note: the blog will not change much. Aiming for a ZH look. Morning post will be the same. Additional posts as they develop. New charting tech will be employed along with SC. STB is a love and hobby, not a job. I don’t want it to become a job. I will not disrupt what we have. I’m not looking to grow or become some sort of influencer, but I will be linking posts to X.

Disqus still has me locked out  

Have a good day.

GL and GB! 

Monday, February 17, 2025

Presidents Day 2025

Happy holiday STB! 

This POTUS (now in all caps again) is actually trying to dismantle the DS. While this can be debated, he originally got their Agenda pushed to 2030 and this time possibly to 2050. He may in the end be one of them, but he does appear to love freedom. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Friday, February 14, 2025

Morning Post 02/14/2025 SPX

Happy Valentines Day STB! I hope you and your better half have a great day!

At least the lawfare is a fair fight now. It also makes it easy to see who’s for us and against us. This hopefully stands out in the midterms and will allow the right to increase its power base. Of course there is an inherent danger in either side having too much power. The pendulum does need to swing tho. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis flat. Fear mongering is growing around potential market and economic demise. Recession or depression? The last administration did try to destroy the country. A lot to fix while a technological revolution is occurring via AI. Jobs or available work will be a real issue (See Grok replacing government workers —- which has massive future implications as AI is first introduced to government control). Holding on to cash is going to be important. Gold is exploding for a reason.  STB best trade, growing your own food, being able to be self sufficient important. I’d start hoarding cash and turning that into barterable assets. Guns are a good idea as well. FDIC limits at institutions should be observed. I remain calm about the coming collapse for now. A 50% haircut from here gets us to my favorite number. 75% gets us to the ultimate support 1600. Shits gonna get real. 

Have a good weekend.

GL and GB!

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Morning Post 02/13/2025 SPX

Good morning STB! is pretty cool. The DS vine has been cut at its base. The vine will slowly begin to wither as its source of food and water are gone. Now, can we get the roots out of the ground and truly kill it? 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis up a bit. The Chevron firings is the most worrying economic indicator you could get. They’re getting ahead of the global recession. They see the lack of energy requirements in the future. There’s not going to be an economic renaissance anytime soon. Inflation will get worse. You should prepare accordingly. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Morning Post 02/12/2025 SPX

Good morning STB! 

Corrupt people are actually going to go to jail - a lot of them. It won’t be long till they start turning on each other for plea deals. Oh, they’re gonna declassify everything. Conspiracy fact heaven. Can we handle the truth? 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis flat ahead of CPI. Bond reaction will be important. Nothing to panic about yet in the markets, but gold is telling you what’s over the hill ahead. It looks like the BLS is going to get an overhaul (with literally everything else). 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Morning Post 02/11/2025 SPX

Good morning STB!

Dems hypocrisy and their despise of the working class continues to be exposed - by themselves. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis off 25. SPX just hanging out above 6k for now. No alerts here, yet. It’s a big boat Trump is trying to turn around in a tight spot, and all the tugboats aren’t working together. 

Gotta get a new LLC for the new blog. It’s coming, I promise. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Monday, February 10, 2025

Morning Post 02/10/2025 SPX

Good morning STB!

The thrashing of the Chiefs last night is more proof America is on the right track. When the system can’t cheat to help you win, fraudsters are exposed. Even the halftime show (as terrible as it was) lacked the disgusting symbolism we’re normally forced to endure. 1984 ain’t dead, but at least more people are now seeing what’s been happening. Censorship and narratives are dying, but that doesn’t mean total control isn’t or won’t. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis up 30. SPX IMO is and should remain in the large range identified. 5800 to 6200 with 6000 as the middle s/r point. America is sort of broken. It won’t be fixed overnight. Recession or depression will occur. I get 2007 vibes rn. Watch liquidity. I believe the government is safe, but the economic damage that’s been done is going to take the reset some say needs to happen. Trump and DOGE are going to  damage existing structures ridding them of fraud and waste. Debt, AI, inflation, jobs, it’s a mess. Protecting your assets is imperative. Those sitting on cash ate the bottom will have a great advantage to prosper.

Have a good day.

GL and GB!

Friday, February 7, 2025

Morning Post 02/07/2025 SPX

Good morning STB! 

Gateway Pundit is chocked full of glorious, concise posts detailing the mayhem in DC. Trump, just like his warfare tactics, dropping precision strikes (except civilian damage will occur - but they’re not terminal). Absolute (necessary) radical change occurring in our government. Boys are boys and girls are girls. America is America! 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis flat. Real data about to be released instead of BLS BS. STB concerned about the economy, especially employment and inflation. As for the markets, it’s all about liquidity. Globally I believe tactical financial changes are coming that will be implemented to actually help rather than destroy the people. The DS is dying. Patience required. External (exogenous - as RC would correct) events are coming. Being prepared for the worst is always a good idea. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Morning Post 02/06/2025 SPX

Good morning STB! 

Four years ago at this time I was collecting email addresses from y’all just in case. The jury is still out on if we’ll have to go that route, but I’m a bit more confident we can rest easy for the next four years. We can’t stop being diligent in spreading vetted truth and patriotic virtue here or in our circles. Time to rid ourselves of the virtue signaling mindset is now. Just  like the vocal peace we found when after Oshithead left, we’ve been freed again. Don’t waste it. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis up 20. Won’t be long till I put on my bear hat and start calling some lower numbers. The feel good low hanging fruit will run out for Trump soon. The shithole that is our economy is about to bubble over again. I can’t think of of any sectors that won’t crash except tech. Those sitting on cash will have glorious 2009 type investment opportunities again in a few years. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Morning Post 02/04/2025 SPX

Good morning STB!

Trump has slayed the democrats golden goose. Two weeks, and he’s laying waste to everything behind the back doors of DC. I’m not sure there will be a Democrat left in DC when he’s uncovered and exposed all the corruption. No wonder he’s getting his cabinet approved, he now has all the leverage. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis off 24. Cash trading in a volatile 400 point range here with 6k support as the middle ground between ATH and support. This could continue for a while as what I believe will allow the smart money to sell to the public before the downturn. Trump is deleting jobs from the biggest employer, yet they have no jobs to move to (except all those vacated by the illegals). Then there’s the AI efficiency issue. Elon has 5 kids with computers doing something that used to take an army of people. Then the debt problem and the CRE and RE problem and don’t forget inflation. It’s a mess. I’d expect UBI discussions sooner than later, which means we’ll soon be a communist democracy. Enjoy! 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Morning Post 02/04/2025 SPX

Good morning STB! 

Man things are changing fast. Trump, amazingly, hasn’t hit a tripwire, yet. I guess when you come in with a fleet of D-9 bulldozers flattening everything in sight small explosions don’t really matter. Heck, I bet he’s not past page one of his to do list. 

Good v evil

On to the lie - 

Minis flat. Were the tariffs good for you? Talk about a quickie. Chinas gonna be a bitch, but supposedly they’re in dire economic straits. USAID is something isn’t it. Halting that and the Treasury blank check policy, Elon and DOGE are absolutely wrecking slush funds. As for where the market is headed? All the signs of a top are here, but we’ve seen and survived the same setups for decades now. Liquidity, it’s all about the markets big slush fund. When do Trump and Elon get to that? 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Monday, February 3, 2025

Morning Post 02/03/2025 SPX

Good morning STB! 

Is your head spinning yet? This time Trump knows the system. He lived it for 4 years and then had another 4 to study it. Now he’s dismantling it. What they feared he’d do the first time, he actually knows how to do his second time around. He’s not wasting any time either. Finding waste and cleaning up inefficiency and corruption is great. I hope justice is served after everything settles. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis massive gap down to 6k support. Off roughly 90 points. Tariffs are something aren’t they? The man wants to STRENGTHEN and protect the dollar and not destroy it. My how things are changing. It’s obvious huge change is happening. Massive disruption will occur. Out of this reset it’s possible our middle class will be restored and debt eliminated. Markets will drastically reset as well. The dice have been thrown. Let’s not crap out this time. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!