Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Morning Post 05/31/2023 SPX

Last day in May? Like, that’s all I see worth mentioning this morning. Everything else in the news is old or straight propaganda. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis off a bit. Still at 4200. Waiting. STB best trade. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Morning Post 05/30/223 SPX

Have you learned to “read through” the good news headlines yet?

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Last week’s candle indicates the downward pressure the Fed overcame. Since nothing is real, it’s not surprising they swung SPX from support to resistance in a day. 4300 could be the bogey if they can make crossing 4200 stick this time - with rising triangle target 4600 a possibility. On the other hand diagonal support driving into resistance means a decision has to be made and we should be leaving our 2 month 1000 point lockdown sooner than later. 3970 then 3800 are support. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Monday, May 29, 2023

Memorial Day 2023

I used to really enjoy posts on days like today. Super respectful, genuine and sincere thank you posts for all those that served and their families. Heartfelt stuff. Today, I’m so pissed off it’s hard to crank out the top section or a regular post. I’m pissed? Me? Think about how pissed those and their families that gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country today? Old service members, Falcon thank you, must be embarrassed at our leadership today. Anyway, before I totally go off the rails - another genuine thank you to all that served and their families. Y’all made the greatness possible. I promise not to let you down if my turn is called. 

Good v evil 

Friday, May 26, 2023

Morning Post 05/26/2023 SPX

I got nothing to say this morning. That should make it a great early start to your weekend.

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Stuck on my access road. I knew it, called it but had no clue it would be this drawn out. Waiting on a catalyst. We’re pretty content and not paying attention to much other than their distractions rn, so the time is ripe. 

More to come below. 

Have a good weekend. 

GL and GB! 

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Morning Post 05/25/2023 SPX

Happy National Wine Day! I recommend extreme caution navigating the day. The crazy factor could be elevated/eliminated across the nation. The Karen factor could be elevated, on the other hand, you may just get lucky. It’s gonna be a pot luck kinda day I guess. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

The slog continues. Interesting as they’re getting close to breaking diagonal support and ruining their rising triangle formation. Not that TA matters anymore. Round numbers and MAs are all that’s left. As for the indicators, things are getting stretched thin. I’ll make a directional call after they work out the debt deal. Pop n drop would be my best guess here. 

More to come below.

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Morning Post 05/24/2023 SPX

They were taking serious target practice at the fort last night. We’re 20 or so miles away and it sounded like a thunderstorm for a couple of hours. First time in quite a while we’ve heard that. Thus, they’re gearing up for something. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Double MAs at 3970 and the round number make for triple support for SPX. DOW has broken support. It’s messed up, as DOW should lag if a potential downturn is up. Again, this isn’t our father’s market anymore. Nothing is real. Don’t forget that. Let’s just pay attention to support. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Morning Post 05/23/2023 SPX

Surely you’re not surprised by anything these days, right? 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

So BAC now raises SPX target to 4300. Been my cap all along, except that pesky rising triangle brought 4600 in play. I mean, they’re literally trying to destroy the country. You figure out what the best trade is. 

More to come below.

Have a good day!

GL and GB!

Monday, May 22, 2023

Morning Post 05/22/2023 SPX

They’re actively destroying anything that challenges their belief, and they’re not Christians. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

I’m beginning to wonder why I report on US stock markets anymore. Heck, I started calling this section “the lie” a decade ago. There’s so little that’s real. When we lose WRC and the CBDC becomes a reality, the USA will be an Orwellian state. I should just say STB best trade and be done with it.  I’ll hold out and do this till the results of the ‘24 election. If that goes the wrong way … we’ll all be running for the hills. In the meantime, two scenarios 1) they keep it propped up till the election 2) we have an event that cancels the election. Bottom line is you need to be prepared to defend and take care of yourself just incase. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Friday, May 19, 2023

Morning Post 05/19/2023 SPX

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

So, I mentioned the rising triangle. If up, two scenarios. The one I prefer, was it good for you? A quickie like last time to 4300 and that’s it. The other is the triangle scenario plays out and 4600 becomes the target. Since 2010 I’ve said to check your brain at the door because this market isn’t real and doesn’t “have to” do anything you think it should. Mainly, the market is a distraction from reality. STB best trade and preparation are the solid call. Something is gonna break, best to be ready for that. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Morning Post 05/18/2023 SPX

Has anyone seen that lost 30-ton shipment of ammonium nitrate? Asking for a friend. Fun fact - the Murrah building was 2 tons. How do you lose a train car with that payload? Poof! Just didn’t show up at its destination? Aliens? Bigfoot? Will the msm report on this? 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

So, anyone still wondering why I call this section of the post “the lie”? Pretty sure we’re a bit over a decade in this format. At this point STB best trade (fiat for real assets) is really all that matters. Get close to God and prepare. As for SPX, possible large rising triangle is there. It’s enough to keep the masses distracted if it should break out. I have to mention that, cause it’s there. However, I’ll continue to preach reality and STB best trade. With all that lost ammonium nitrate - if we don’t see a great amount of food production, a huge FF is coming. 

More to come below.

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Morning Post 05/17/2023 SPX

They’re lulling us to sleep. Frog in the pot. It’s worse when it’s quiet. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Low volume and narrow for way too long. Pretty sure I said that three weeks ago. I’m still into things getting really bad, as in 3200 and eventually the old highs as ultimate price support at 1600. STB best trade. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Morning Post 05/16/2023 SPX

Happy National Mimosa Day!

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

It is what it is. Timing now depends on two things, policy or event. One you can clearly see coming, like QE, the other you can’t. Technical trading mostly died in ‘09 when QE took over. Faucet on/Faucet off is all you need to know now. Much like the Lake Meade water level, we’re not sure how long this policy is sustainable. STB best trade. 

More to come below.

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Monday, May 15, 2023

Morning Post 05/15/2023 SPX

More awaken to the problems every day. We just have to make it to ‘24 and pray we get an honest shot to fix things. If not, division is imminent. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

The access road to the consolidation superhighway is something isn’t it. I may change my analogy to satellites in orbit, cause the eventual crash and burn at the fall will be much more dramatic. SSDD folks. Waiting on something to break. STB best trade and preparation are highly recommended. 

More to come below. 

Have a great day. 

GL and GB! 

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Morning Post 05/11/2023 SPX

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Pretty sure this is a boring for you to read as it is for me to post. 7 weeks into this dreadful holding pattern, it doesn’t look like it’s gonna break until something actually breaks. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Morning Post 05/10/2023 SPX

They’re intentionally destroying the country. We gotta survive till’24 and hope we get a fair election. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Since the first of April when SPX crossed 4100, the omnipresent and psychic STB told of the times to come. The slog it would be up to 4200, and their ability to only keep SPX afloat. Ok, enough of that - STB was right though. Patiently waiting for something to break. STB best trade - fiat for real assets. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Morning Post 05/09/2023 SPX

SO video below. He’s going full cult, we’re all gonna die, they know it and it’s coming fast. He had too much of his own coolaid. There’s only One Way you need to be ready for the end if it should occur. Nothing else matters. I’d still have supplies and a plan though.

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis flat and sitting in the middle of the access road. Really dull times right now waiting on something to break - either way actually. If up, it won’t last. They’re down to the thinnest of threads. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB. 

Monday, May 8, 2023

Friday, May 5, 2023

Morning Post 05/05/2023 SPX

Cinco de Mayo amigo! Glorious to think of all the lost sales for BL today. If you’re looking for a bright spot, a glimmer of hope, anything positive - the rejection of the most beloved Bud Light is your beacon. There is sanity. There is good. There is a line that won’t be tolerated.  

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Ho re crap, they’re stick saving 4100 again. Ya can’t make this shit up folks. And people still believe it’s all real. We’ve gone beyond lipstick on the pig, I believe it’s fully transitioned at this point. The guardrails of my fictitious road have taken a beating. STB best trade. 

More to come below. 

Have a good weekend. 

GL and GB!  

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Morning Post 05/04/2023 SPX

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Back at support. Just 4 short days later and my how the situation has changed? How much hot air do they need to control the balloon today? I’m not sure printing money is carbon neutral. Someone needs to check the Fed’s footprint every time they get to printing balloon fuel to burn. Anyway, back at support. Remember, this is an access road above a major highway that dips down to 3800. 

More to come below.

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Morning Post 05/03/2023 SPX

Late. Sorry had to go to ATL this morning and things were a bit hectic. 

GL and GB!

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Morning Post 05/02/2023 SPX

The clown show rolls on … for another year and a half we have to deal with this shit. Let’s hope we come out in one piece. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Camped out under resistance. Sorry, I try to make this section readable every day, but there’s nothing to report. So glad I’m not a hype guy looking for clicks. At the beginning of April I described the two lane road between 4100 and 4200. It turned out to be a straight, long ass road with no apparent exit. Hell, it’s actually an access road to the super highway below down to 3800.  Greed rules.  Don’t trust em. STB best trade before CBDC. Best start stocking up now. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Monday, May 1, 2023

Morning Post 05/01/2023 SPX

May Day! I hope everyone is enjoying spring. Especially those in Houston getting ready for the nuclear training exercise. They never telegraph anything. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie. Minis flat. Can we spend another month between 41-4200? I say,”Right turn Clyde”. We’ll just have to see. The odds for us entering the recession we’ve been in for a year now just went up to 67%. The banks are just fine! The USA is not under attack from its own government. Invest accordingly. Remember STB best trade and prepare. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!