Friday, July 31, 2020

Morning Charts 07/31/2020 SPX

Nothing to say up here this morning. 

On to the lie - 

Ok, watch to see if a lower high gets set. If so, then a descending triangle could be a happenin. This would get that 3200 support out of the way, but not target any significant move south. It’s something though. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Morning Charts 07/30/2020 SPX

Waiting on the next narrative. 

On to the lie - 


More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Morning Charts 07/29/2020 SPX

We’re trying desperately to maintain some sanity in this country. I believe we’ll be ok if we can corral the 5% that are total lunatics. I actually hold out hope, cause a majority of the people still get it. 

Good vs evil 

On to the lie - 

Fed and tech testimony. Lies and more lies. Why even bother with the dog and pony shows? Aren’t we at a point it’s blatantly obvious that everything is fake? Like, duh!

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!  

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Morning Charts 07/28/2020 SPX

It’s OK, Gates stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night and he’s now a Dr or something. Everyone is all good with that, except the markets. 

We’re about to get another narrative change. 

On to the lie - 

Consolidation is what in guessing, at least for this week. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Monday, July 27, 2020

Friday, July 24, 2020

Morning Charts 07/24/2020 SPX

ZH is loaded this morning with some good reads. 

Lots and lots of stories from the kids about fake test results. Like filled out paperwork but left cause wait was too long but their results came back positive anyway??? The kids were talking to (18-21) mostly woke, love discussing conspiracy, are conservative and say vast majority will vote for Trump. 

On to the lie - 

Watch SPX 20dma. Right now I’d guess a near term worst case would be 3100 at the 50 dma. If it breaks that it could get interesting. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Morning Charts 07/23/2020 SPX

Fuck your feelings. 

Got a problem with that? If so, see ya. 

Glad we got that out of the way. To the sane, normal, well adjusted - Carry on. Nice to have you here. Do as you please. 

Good vs evil 

On to the lie - 

When not if. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day 

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Morning Charts 07/22/2020 SPX

OK, so if Q was a conspiracy why would the Twitter arm of the Orwellian Ministry of Truth do this? Twitter bans 7,000 QAnon accounts, limits 150,000 others in broad crackdown

It’s time for Trump to move to Parler. Big Brother supposedly can’t touch us there. I’d start to look into a short move on Twitter. 

On to the lie - 

The Fed ..... 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Morning Charts 07/21/2020 SPX

I’m pretty sure the chances of the China virus actually killing someone are greater than the market being real. 

I’m going boating. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Monday, July 20, 2020

Friday, July 17, 2020

Morning Charts 07/17/2020 SPX

Really tired of the SSDD news cycles. Why couldn’t  God have given these ass hats some creativity or since of humor? Fascism is so damn boring. 

Headed to the land of corexit next week. 

On to the lie - 

Wasn’t I talking about a wide area of consolidation a week or so ago? Yup, we’re just waiting on something to break or ‘get broken’. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Morning Charts 07/16/2020 SPX

Love the commentary. Keep it up. We’re a good team. Have been for years. We deal in reality. 

Good vs evil. I hate to see it when it peaks. As Q says, this is more than another 4 year election. This one is for all the marbles.  Either the silent majority shows up and we remain a free constitutional republic or we become a part of the global socialist system. I’d prefer to vote my way out of this situation than fight. 

On to the lie -

Looking back at the China virus market tank, LOL it wasn’t shit. Sure, you can say percentage wise this or points that - it was a scratch and left a bruise, no bones broken.  Like good vs evil above, hate to see it when it decides to call out reality. 

Other than the fact nothing is real, the Fed is in total control, the real underlying conditions are rotten to the core and the current socioeconomic crash is epic - the charts look just fine right now. Actually, the last fall strengthened the overall technical situation ( at elevation). It created new points of reference that were missing. All that said, it’ll puke up a lung at some time. Till then just put the blinders on and keep clicking those red slippers Dorothy. Kansas is still there (for now). 

More to come below 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Morning Charts 07/15/2020 SPX

Meh the news today. 

On to the lie - 

And just when you think you got the market right where you want it, right where it can’t do anything else, a great setup - they bend you over. I wouldn’t get all hyped about anything large to the south these days till you see proof that the crime exists. If you get in line too early it usually doesn’t work out to well. Chase the momo. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Morning Charts 07/14/2020

What seems like ages ago, for some of the older people that ‘had a good time’, this day was similar to 4/20. Ah, the good ‘ol days. 

Biden unleashes his Solyndra 2.0 plan. Brilliant! 

Cali? Ya, depending on how this election goes, I’d have contingency plans on moving. 

On to the lie - 

Yesterday was technically interesting. It allowed a whole new wave of negative divergences to come into play. Let’s clarify that, since roughly 2010 under the new follow the Fed normal, neg divs have little impact. That said, they still exist and deserve to be recognized. 

Yet, nothing is real and the Fed is in total control, well ... you look but don’t touch. How do they move through resistance like this? Ya think they’re gonna pay for it? Nope. Watch for them to line up a slew of shorts to get slaughtered. It’s possible they march on like this resistance point doesn’t exist, but a little fear, get everyone thinking down and then stomp the gas. Are they that easy to read? Based on the last 10 years I like the odds of that scenario, but you never know. Underlying conditions are ... not so desirable. Then again old timers, how far back do you have to look to find when conditions were desirable? 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB!

Monday, July 13, 2020

Morning Charts 07/13/2020 SPX

Futures jump on vaccine optimism -

Ok, let’s review this, Futures Jump on Vaccine Optimism. That’s some F’d up stuff. Vaccine? Vaccine? Yes, there is a virus, but .... wow. What a load of shit. ‘Futures Cheer Our Orwellian Demise’ is more like it. I ain’t bitching this morning. It’s Monday. What a shit show. 

I’ll keep this brief - today vaccines are not meant to ‘heal’ anything. There are special places in hell for those that develop and push these poisons on the people. 

On to the lie - 

All appears to be well for now. Lots of support points. Apparently it’s indestructible. Well .... it’s all fake, so ...

More to come below 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Friday, July 10, 2020

Morning Charts 07/10/2020 SPX

F this. We’re now in the twilight zone.

I thought bizzaro world was a temporary glitch. Nope. We’re fucked. Hey, if you’re here and over 50, it was a sweet damn ride. The only thing we didn’t have ... the young chicks today with overdeveloped bodies due to all the hormones in the food. I ain’t gonna complain. God was good to us. Thanks! 

On to the lie - 

Stealing from the above theme - Like the aftermarket improvements on the women we older folk have to deal with, the markets are a tad firm and fake as hell. Ya get one of the older models undressed and ya find it ain’t all it looked to be. Sculpting this and a tucked that, and that, and that.. ya get my point? ‘The Lie’ it’s all for show. Even the fiat that backs it is fake. 

So, invest in a younger model? LOL, that’s your call. I ain’t going there. Now you’re trying to cheat time. Hey! There is a pill for that as well. WTF. 

Bottom line, if you find something real outside of God, please let me know. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Morning Charts 07/09/2020 SPX

If you haven’t heard, you’re racist. Thought I’d remind you if you forgot. 

In other news, you’re racist. 

And in our final story this morning, you’re racist. 

You need to put on your mask and go virtue signal and then cancel something, anything. 

On to the lie - 

Not sure what to say that hasn’t been said. Hard being original or witty when follow the Fed in a rigged market based on fiat is the new normal. It was fun back in the day when the game was a bit more real. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Morning Charts 07/08/2020 SPX

How the Fk are we allowing this Orwellian nightmare to happen and letting the socialists have any skin in the game? We’re seriously gonna have to stand up to and eliminate this shit. 

It’s completely unnatural that I have to warn my children that one day everything they’ve put in social media, or written, edited, deleted not posted, every keystroke, everywhere they’ve been, everything they’ve purchased with their card can and will be held against them. That’s really fucked up. 

If someone ever tries to impose a social credit score on me (I’m writing this in full conscience knowing some assfuck in the future will push a button to turn off my money and water and power cause I wrote this) I’ll kill em. That shit is not God’s will, and I know He’ll forgive me for taking out anyone that tries to impose this sort of bullshit.  

On to the lie - 

All sorts of support lying around. Things sort of dormant right now. Won’t be for long I’d guess. Maybe that larger consolidation area I was talking about a few weeks back is gonna be the thing till the next FF?  

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Morning Charts 07/07/2020 SPX

No comment on the news. It all sucks. Every narrative is dying the slow death it deserves. As usual with most they backfire. All I hear is BS blah blah BS blah blah blah. 

On to the lie - 

When, not if it tanks again. IMO the when can be anytime between now and 2025. If Trump is not re-elected ‘the lie’ will be fully exposed I believe. There’s a good chance they tank it again going into the election, but that actually seems to be decreasing. I could be very wrong here. This depends on what the PTB has planned of course. 

As things sit now, technically there is a lot of support all over. They’ve made it harder to tank organically. We all know what it deserves. We all know it’s all about liquidity. Follow the Fed. 

I’ll reiterate a long standing STB mantra - sell a little at the highs. Get out of the fake market and fake fiat and buy real tangible assets. Use their system against them. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Monday, July 6, 2020

Morning Charts 07/06/2020 SPX

No statues of significance torn down. No false flags. I think Maxwell has not hung her self. Hmmmm, better than I expected coming off the 4th weekend. 

On to the lie - 

The good news is the open island gap above on SPX daily around 3150 got closed. Makes you wonder about the one still open at 2550. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Saturday, July 4, 2020

4th of July 2020


Trump’s speech last night was pretty damn good if you missed it or haven’t heard it. Murcia! 

God bless the USA! 

Friday, July 3, 2020

Morning Charts 07/03/2020 SPX


Y’all throw down this weekend. If somehow Trump should lose, 4ths from now on won’t ever be the same. Freedom should be respected and honored. 

On to the lie - 

It’s wait and see mode. The possibility of a False Flag this weekend, something we’ve speculated about for years now, is higher than ever.  

More to come below. 

Have a great 4th! 

GL and GB! 

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Morning Charts 07/02/2020 SPX

Who’s ready to get lit this weekend? 🖐🏼🖐🏼🖐🏼🖐🏼

We need to vote liberalism out of existence.  That’s the only way, legally. That or we have a purge, which is what the dip sticks appear to be asking for. America needs its big ol swinging nut sack back. We got it, but it’s like that family reunion where pretty much everyone is normal within reason, but that one oddity that the DNA gods weren’t that kind to. Can we selectively remove the undesirables? Holy fuck! I’m starting to sound like Gates or Hitler.  I guess if it’s war, ya do what’s necessary. We do have those re-education camps all over, let’s start there and not get carried away. 

As long as Trump is alive and in office, there is real potential. He’s pumping testosterone in massive quantities back into millions of Americans. Ofuckface’s mission to sissify our nation is being reversed. We’ll find out in November whether good or evil wins. 

We still got a long way to go. Removing satanic deep state control of the government and msm is priority number one. There is hope under the right leadership and only we can put them there. Yes, I still believe in the system but more importantly the people of America. We produce some good souls and minds. Get the right ones in place and we can win this. It can happen, so I hold out and you should too. 

On to the lie - 

Technically it’s not great but it’s not a nightmare either. Now as for everything underneath... don’t ask. On the face though, the great lie is getting over the China virus just like the nation, just fine. Waiting on Gates to unleash round two, cause he’s gonna get  his vaccines into us one way or another. False flags and unrest will be prevalent till the election which means the markets will remain precariously perched. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Morning Charts 07/01/2020


On to the lie - 

Monthly candle close was a positive. They turned that frown upside down. Not the best scenario, but better than what was. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day 

GL and GB!