Friday, September 27, 2024

Morning Post 09/27/2024 SPX

Storm would up being an 18 hr rain event for me with very little drama. Shifted east taking us out of the cone of uncertainty. Never lost power. Many others not nearly as luck and will need help and prayers. FL and S GA got F’d up. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis flat. SPX 60m tried to breakdown twice this week. She’s trying and they won’t let her. 

More to come below. 

Have a good weekend (GoDawgs).

GL and GB! 

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Morning Post 09/26/2024 SPX

They’re gonna get that war. Party of peace my ass. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis up 45 this rain soaked morning. I may have to change the header of this section of the post to ‘incredible lie’. Hurricane, ports about to shut down, GDP revision, rate cuts, they’re trying their hardest to start a big war - all huge market positives in the new normal I guess. STB best trade is alive and well. Just siphon off a bit here and there at these lofty levels. 

More to come below.

Have a good day.

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Morning Post 09/25/2025 SPX

Manufactured chaos and division 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis flat. Technically - the rising wedge off the November low terminates around SPX 5800 in the second week of October. Wedge support has failed twice and is in its second backtest of failed support. 5250 - 5100 would be target if things should turn. If you’re into fraud and greed, the newly established lower rising wedge support diagonal from the recent failure extends the wedge well into next year (see my weekly chart) as it extends gains above wedge resistance off the 2020 lows. SPX weekly indicators were about to fail and monthly are maxed out .

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Morning Post 09/24/2024 SPX

The show is wild. So many scripts. They all have one common theme. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis up a bit hanging around the ATH. Remember over the past couple of weeks I was mentioning how some weekly charts were seriously threatening sell signals? Then they did that oversized rate cut (cause it’s not an election year and inflation is just fine). Prices have been pushed into LaLa land temporarily. When they start their war soon, those signals will have been right I’m guessing. They’re going to let it go at some point. The destruction of the middle class isn’t quite complete. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Monday, September 23, 2024

Morning Post 09/23/2023 SPX

As the world burns  

Goid v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis up a bit. This looming port strike is a huge deal. If you’re into the STB best trade thang and need to close some gaps, ya may want to consider that before scarcity and prices may become a problem. Other than the election, remember in may the BTLF ends (this somewhat terrifies me). 

More to come below  

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Friday, September 20, 2024

Morning Post 09/20/2024 SPX

It’s so hard to comprehend how some people can be so completely removed from reality. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis flat on a Quad-Witching Friday. Yesterday may have been the cherry on top of the 15 year, $34T farce. This suckers run is gonna sting. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Morning Post 09/19/2024 SPX

Never thought we’d be ~50 days from the potential end of the republic did we? 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis up 100 points to celebrate how stupid we all are. You need to think groceries are cheap now. Wait till they get expensive. Greed and excessive excess are good! STB best trade. If you don’t have a backyard garden, you better start one soon. Note: growing from seed ain’t easy. There’s no better time to learn than now. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Morning Post 09/18/2024 SPX

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Mini flat, she’s playing in the 5700 block at the corner of Insane and Doom Streets. You’re welcome to join em. I’m out. 

More to come below.  

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Morning Post 09/17/2024 SPX

We’re the richest third world nation! 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis up 20 flirting with fresh new ATH. 14 YEARS I’ve been looking for that elusive top. It’s out there somewhere. Probably a really good thing for everyone it hasn’t shown up, cause when it does… 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Monday, September 16, 2024

Morning Post 09/16/2024 SPX

The bad news is, my faith in humanity wasn’t restored over the weekend. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis flat. Are they stealth hyping.50? As the grift and greed go on. I’m not sure they’ve put the final nail in the coffin. but they got a box full of nails and are hammering as fast as possible. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Friday, September 13, 2024

Morning Post 09/13/2024 SPX

Don’t let it be one of those days. 

When someone came along peddling “Hope”, that was the poison pill that killed the republic. The Hunger Games future scenario (or something similar after they’ve killed or neutered most of us) is becoming more likely by the day. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis up 10. A .25 or .50 rate cut won’t matter, and it’s the exact opposite of what needs to happen. We’re in the final stage. November we’ll be lucky if we can get the world into the ICU. STB best trade is on fire. 

More to come below. 

Have a good weekend. 

GL and GB! 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Morning Post 09/12/2024 SPX

SpaceX is legit bad ass. Proof private > government. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis up 10. Yesterday was somewhat insane. I was warning about major sell signals that were about to take place this month. Looks like they might be willing to buy themselves a little bit of time. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Morning Post 9/11/2024

Never forget 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis flat. Are they going to cut rates next week? How long can they keep the market afloat? Can they stop the fall if it turns? Why are the likes of Bezos and Buffet selling? Even monthly charts are close to giving sell signals. 

More to come below.

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Morning Post 09/10/2024 SPX

Don’t know if I’ll have the stomach to watch tonight. If Trump dominates, as he should, it may lead to the current administration doing something very desperate. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis up a bit. Markets need to bounce here or the trends change from positive to negative. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Monday, September 9, 2024

Morning Post 09/09/2024 SPX

Tuesday night will be interesting, but the 1984 media spin following will be the real show. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis up 30 following Friday’s tumble. I personally at this time can’t see a way the top is not set. However, we’re forced to follow the Fed. Nothing is real. Protect yourself and assets as you see fit. STB best trade, regardless of the outcome in November, is becoming a thing. Clean food is at the top of the list for me now. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Friday, September 6, 2024

Morning Post 09/06/2024 SPX

Calm before the storm. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis off 32 having recovered a good bit. Payrolls today and devastating rate cuts in two weeks. We are the Titanic. STB best trade. The top has been set. 

More to come below. 

Have a good weekend. 

GL and GB! 

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Morning Post 09/05/2024 SPX

They want all of us dead and those they can’t kill under total control.

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis off a bit. She wants to break down. Not sure if they’re ready. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Morning Post 09/04/2024 SPX

Crazy town. I’m not sure what’s holding things together rn keeping it all from collapsing. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis off 25. If things let go a little bit here, I’d target SPX to find support 5350-5250 area. Got a couple of above/below diagonals (dashed black or pinkish) on the charts for you to notice. They’re kind of s/r magnets if the ma’s fail. SPX daily could be in real trouble here losing a major support diagonal for the second time a a double ATH top. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Morning Post 09/03/2024 SPX

I think you have to plan as you have from now till November to plan like you’re going to be living in a prison. Not that you don’t already. One with a lot less amenities. 

Good v evil 

On to the lie - 

Minis off 25. Friday they shoved SPX back to the top of the recent trading range. They’re doing a great job keeping it within reach of the ATH tucked in a cozy place. The LT rising wedge ends in October. If TA plays out, it’s time to get out now. The suckers rally has little time left. 

More to come below. 

Have a good day. 

GL and GB! 

Monday, September 2, 2024